Unable To Apply on Any Job in Freelance Section - page 2

Muhammad Mudasir:
Your issue is not technical , it's related to your seller profile , probably they blocked your account . You can ask them to know whether your account has been blocked or not
Kareem Abdelhakim:
Your issue is not technical , it's related to your seller profile , probably they blocked your account . You can ask them to know whether your account has been blocked or not
yeah you made the point
now waiting moderator response let see
Update: i m still waiting for the response from moderator 
Marco vd Heijden:
I do not think it's going to be restored.

TO MARCO:   Marco, you have moderator status. That is not a proper reply coming from you. You must not guess what will happen with his account. you have to inform yourself, and come with back with some actual helpful info.

 Look... i understand mql5.com is useless when it comes down to support.... trust me, i know ... waited 1 month after the maximum time they said it will take to verify my account, just because you don't have automatically photo check ... which is pretty standard nowadays.... send messages and mails on any contact source you have (which they suck by the way). Untrained people giving useless answer in my humble opinion... but you can do something about this... add a god damned working CONTACT PHONE!

Listen up folks ... YOU GET PAID from the freelance section ... I'm sure that from Muhammad's jobs you got paid enough .... stop being morons and check his issue a.s.a.p. 

Hope you will fix this issue soon and hope you guys get better.

Cheers !

Moderators at this forum are volunteers - not employees. They are not payed for what they do (at least that is what I know)
Mladen Rakic:
Moderators at this forum are volunteers - not employees. They are not payed for what they do (at least that is what I know)
Most, but that's not true for all moderators.

Mladen, Alain,  thank you both for some more info about the moderator status. I updated my comment so that it's clearly understandable that i have no issue whatsoever with marco, but i expected a different answer coming from a mod (whichever the case is ... paid / volunteer). The real issue is with mql5.com for their lack of communication 

Radu Draghiceanu:

Mladen, Alain,  thank you both for some more info about the moderator status. I updated my comment so that it's clearly understandable that i have no issue whatsoever with marco, but i expected a different answer coming from a mod (whichever the case is ... paid / volunteer). The real issue is with mql5.com for their lack of communication 

I totally agree.

You can find phone number in "Contacts and request" at the bottom of this page.

Alain Verleyen:

I totally agree.

You can find phone number in "Contacts and request" at the bottom of this page.

I already forwarded that to Muhammad. Want to guess how helpfull that was ? :)) all my money is on not usefull at all.