Indicator property change after ChartIndicatorAdd()


In mql5, after adding an indicator to the chart in the code of an expert advisor using the function



Now I like to change the indicator period. is there a way to do this or I have to delete the indicator and re-add it with the new period?

and if so, how can I delete it without having a name since ChartIndicatorDelete 3rd argument is the indicator_shortname


which there is no mql5 function to add a short name after using ChartIndicatorAdd().

And AFAIK indicator_handle is not the same as indicator_shortname.



This will delete an indicator given its handle.

bool pChartIndicatorDelete(int &indicator_handle)
        // The total number of chart windows, including indicator sub_windows
        long num_windows=ChartGetInteger(chart_ID,CHART_WINDOWS_TOTAL);

        // Loop backwards in case deleting
        for ( int window = (int) num_windows -1; window>-1; window-- )
                int numIndicators = ChartIndicatorsTotal(chart_ID,window);
                for(int index=0; index<numIndicators; index++)
                        // This indicator's name
                        string name = ChartIndicatorName(chart_ID,window,index);

                        // Get this indicator's handle for comparison
                        int handle=ChartIndicatorGet(chart_ID,window,name);

                        if ( handle == indicator_handle )
                                        PrintFormat("Error indicator delete. Error: %d", GetLastError() );
                                        return false;
                                        return true;

        return false;

Thanks Anthony

It would be much better if I can change the period property of the indicator, is there a way to do that in this case?

btw, I am trying to find out why the function you posted is not deleting the indicator on my chart when the it is fired from a class destructor.



It would be much better if I can change the period property of the indicator, is there a way to do that in this case?
I don't think so.