Code that will determine the price of the close of the previous candle

Hello everybody. I just wanna ask some help from the generous people in here. I am refining my ea and i will try to put two horizontal lines in the chart 10pips above and 10pips below the close of the previous candle. I tried 

Close [1] - 0.00100;
Close [1]+0.00100; 

But it does not work. 

Is there any other possible code or maybe i am just lacking of some codes in here... ? Thank you in advance for the positive response regarding with this. 

God bless you more... 
Marco vd Heijden:

What he said but, 

and so on
Nieco Pama:   I tried 

Close [1] - 0.00100;
Close [1]+0.00100; 

That is not a try. It's what you want. Post your real attempt.

John Davis: What he said but, 

OP said 10 pips (100 points) not 10 points.


That is not a try. It's what you want. Post your real attempt.

OP said 10 pips (100 points) not 10 points.

This is right 1 pip is 10 points, my ommission, I rarely think in pips anymore. 
Marco vd Heijden:
I have tried that also...and i have a function of Point ( ) in here but the line does not appear. 

Before, my ea opens a position and i put two lines above or below the price of the open position and my function is LastOpenTrade ( ) and the line appears. But now i want to change the basis of the position of the line into the close of the candle. I tried to use 
Close [1] -10*point( )
Close [1]+10*point( ) 
but the line did not appear. I am thinking that i must have another function that will determine close of the last candle. I hope someone can help me the codes... anyway thank you for the effort to help some newbies like me... 

It should work i have used it many times.

Please post your code so far.