MQL Editor alternative or tricks to save time during programming


I found this thread forum, and is very old about Alternatives :

So far i found the original MQL editor is the best from my experience( personal opinion only :)  ) but    size of my code is getting to the point that I'm spending a  lot of time scrolling through the code :)

Question  ..did anybody recently found similar editor to mql one but where You can fold functions like in  notepad++ and also is able to compile quickly ??, or have some tricks to speed up the process :)

my personal tricks to make programming life easier :

 1. Using projects  ...little bit more work on the beginning to  transfer necessary files but  the file tree is super helpful ( interesting think - if I disable "additional optimization" the compile process is multiple times faster)

2. MOUSE - Logitech MX Master 2S  - have 2 modes of scrolling

  • standard steps - awesome for normal scrolling
  • free will  mode (i don't know the proper name of this mode)   - so far the quickest way to scroll throw very long files  - my reason of recommending this mouse (black, i bought white one and now is dirty :) )

3. separating files using #include "filename.mql"

  • separate file for each class
  • separate file for each part of the project
  • separate file for events  and so on

4. Bookmarks, (i have extra macro keys on my keyboard so I use them for bookmarking F2+ (shift || ctrl  ||  shift+ctrl) )

If anybody have other tricks to save time during programming and time and will to share. I'm not a pro so any advice from pros would be great ,even on thinks how to name variables and functions :) , maybe someone found good article about it ??


Alternative MQL editor?
Alternative MQL editor?
  • 2006.11.06
Hi there guys! Question: is there any alternative to MQL Editor...

So far I do the same. Having a scroll wheel is really helpful.

However, I find myself struggling with more than a dozen of open files. However, I like to have my classes small. As soon as a file gets too long (e.g. 1k lines) I'll try to refactor it.

Anyway, I join in here with the same question: Is there an MQL5 editor alternative? Could someone find a way to tweak his Visual Studio? :)

Update: Nvm, found a nice blog / article about how to get an MQL5 project into MS Visual Studio!
Documentation on MQL5: File Functions / FileOpen
Documentation on MQL5: File Functions / FileOpen
[in]  The name of the file can contain subfolders. If the file is opened for writing, these subfolders will be created if there are no such ones. [in]  value to be used as a separator in txt or csv-file. If the csv-file delimiter is not specified, it defaults to a tab. If the txt-file delimiter is not specified, then no separator is used. If...