Indicators: Hull ribbon


Hull ribbon:

Hull ribbon

Hull ribbon

Author: Mladen Rakic


HULL MAs have same period, what's the point?

Please, add a missing period variable for the second Hull MA.


By default MT5 mixes all overlapping fill layers, creating unwanted color distortions.

1. Is it possible to limit color mixing between overlapping filled areas to two last consecutive layers? So each layer mixes only with previous, but not with the rest.

2. Is it possible to adjust transparency on ribbon fills by adding a variable 0-100%?


HULL MAs have same period, what's the point?

Please, add a missing period variable for the second Hull MA.

There is no missing variable in the indicator. I am quite confident that as soon as you actually read the description of the indicator and check the code, you shall find out how exactly the indicator works

Mladen Rakic:

There is no missing variable in the indicator. I am quite confident that as soon as you actually read the description of the indicator and check the code, you shall find out how exactly the indicator works

That may be another way, but not the way I set things on my charts. Could you please make a version consistent with your hull_ribbon_variation_2.mq4. That is perfect. In that version you made different periods for both hull MAs and I can't find mq5 version of that anywhere. Speeds could be different in this version, so there is no contradiction with existing project. Adding second period option will make it into a greater indicator for MT5 comunity to test with everytng you said in the discription +, I need that extra. Thank you for your superb work and insight.