How to tell if Market is closed?


Oanda recently "upgraded" all of its clients to the V20 servers, but the servers are giving a value of "true" even if the market is closed for:

MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TRADEALLOWED)

This method for determining if the market was closed worked perfectly fine prior to the "upgrade", but now it's useless and I'm looking for a good way to check if the market is closed without having to ask the user to input the day of the week and hour+minute+second that the market closes on their broker's server.

Here's what I have now and I'm really hoping there's a better way of doing this because I'd hate for the user to have to manually enter the day of week and time that market closes on their broker's server:

if (MarketInfo(NULL,MODE_TRADEALLOWED) && !isMarketClosed()){
   // TODO

bool isMarketClosed() {
   return TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS) == "23:59:57"
            && TimeDayOfWeek(TimeCurrent()) == 5;


I also came up with this, although there's a few major drawbacks:

  • it'll have to run the getMarketClose() lookback on every Init
  • it's reliant on the user having data for EURUSD,M1
  • it'll be 1 minute behind of the actual close due to the inability to grab the exact second that the market closes on broker's server
  • Maybe the market doesn't close on Friday for the broker's server

// Global Variable
datetime testTime;

// OnInit()

// Regular Program
void getMarketClose() {
   testTime = iTime("EURUSD", PERIOD_M1, 0);    
   if (TimeDayOfWeek(testTime) == 5) {
      testTime -= 60*60*24;
   while (TimeDayOfWeek(testTime) != 5) {
      int temp = iBarShift("EURUSD", PERIOD_M1, testTime)+1;
      testTime = iTime("EURUSD", PERIOD_M1, temp);

if (MarketInfo(NULL,MODE_TRADEALLOWED) && !isMarketClosed()){
   // TODO

bool isMarketClosed() {
   return TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_MINUTES) == TimeToStr(testTime, TIME_MINUTES)
            && TimeDayOfWeek(TimeCurrent()) == TimeDayOfWeek(testTime);

please take a look at this link: