Application for Seller status

Hello. Does anybody knows if mql5 is having some kind of delay or problem with the verification of seller users? Thanks.
Melina Mirafiori:
Hello. Does anybody knows if mql5 is having some kind of delay or problem with the verification of seller users? Thanks.

Have you actually read any of the posts in the forum?


I'm having problems too.. Long delays then they keep rejecting my ID without explanation even though it follows all their rules.

I was a big fan of this site as a buyer, but am seriously disappointed in how unprofessional it is in accepting sellers.


The discussion thread about seller's verification:


My seller's account not approved

My Seller Account Not Approve
My Seller Account Not Approve
  • 2018.09.21
I have opened my account in mql5 which has been more than 6 months and has not been opened yet, I have completed all the document and multi, still...