Bug in MT5 latest version


I am trying to report a bug in the Metatrader latest version. See the image and the code that I am trying to implement:  


The code that I am using to replace the quotes is:  

rates_add[0].time = Time_For_Rates;
rates_add[0].open = NormalizeDouble(double(s[2]),_Digits);
rates_add[0].high= NormalizeDouble(double(s[3]),_Digits);
rates_add[0].low = NormalizeDouble(double(s[4]),_Digits);

Why always I see that the Data Window and on Chart it display values with less 0.000005 or more sometimes? Please anybody let me know the reason or is it a bug in the MT5.


Symbol, timeframe, server name. ----  This is a custom character - access

time limit - M1

I also added a character configuration

MQL5 code that can be compiled and run. It can be compiled and run.

This is attached with a comment.

- Describe in steps: what you really get.

I supply values ​​for a custom character. Numbers change over time. Sometimes 6 or sometimes 5.

The variable rates_add saves data correctly. As you can see in the image of my question.

But MT5 does not show accurate data in the DATA WINDOW window and not even in CHART WINDOW. please check it out

Is there someone who can report this issue to MT5 developers? If I am wrong please let me know.