Request Help Service: how set my identity - page 2


In Freelance working, there is a buyer and more developers/sellers, and only buyer can know identity of his seller;

but my identity is public (also all users of internet), and everybody can find me from internet and view my activity in this comunity from me real name.

When i insert all my info for get register seller, i did not know that my real name will be public, I thought only for buyers, or at least only for this users comunity.

Sorry, for all these complaints...i'm among the few that does not share this choice of pubblic real name...

in truth now all social use this choice...but i'm from another time, when it was not important who you were, but what you know and how you use it.

...i ask myself if it is the case, however, if you can do, to change my nickname with what i have always used when development

(i registered with this nickname to ask quick questions while doing my first tests)... but this is another thing and in the case i will ask

Thanks at All


If you don't like it please delete your profile and make a new one without ID verification.

This will mean that you lose the ability to sell any products, signals, and to respond to freelance jobs.

Thanks a lot for your informations