Libraries: ZeroMQ asynchronous communication - page 2



thanks for the great work!

I'm writing an EA with a subscriber socket to receive messages, and it seems to be working fine so far.

There's just one annoyance: "zmq_error 11: Resource temporarily unavailable" is printed every time recv is called and there's no messages.

Is this expected and can it somehow be avoided?





thanks for the great work!

I'm writing an EA with a subscriber socket to receive messages, and it seems to be working fine so far.

There's just one annoyance: "zmq_error 11: Resource temporarily unavailable" is printed every time recv is called and there's no messages.

Is this expected and can it somehow be avoided?



Replying to myself.. seems like this is a "feature" of ZMQ 2.1.10 that will be fixed.


Check your messages please!


thanks for the great work!

I'm writing an EA with a subscriber socket to receive messages, and it seems to be working fine so far.

There's just one annoyance: "zmq_error 11: Resource temporarily unavailable" is printed every time recv is called and there's no messages.

Is this expected and can it somehow be avoided?



Replying to myself.. seems like this is a "feature" of ZMQ 2.1.10 that will be fixed.




I'm try to use your library with the java binding but the version are not the same. Currently 2.1.10 and you've got the 2.0.10.

Could you upgrade the version or explain how could I do that ?

Thanks for your work.


Thanks so much for following through with this, Starry. ZeroMQ, being so fast, flexible, robust and scaleable, has a huge future when people wake up to it.

Best regards,



after i do the everything in the README file.

i try it successfully on my desktop PC(windows 7 32 bit),but failed on my server (Windows 2008 R2 x64).i do the same operate on both two computers.why i got the followed error info on server

cannot load library 'zmq_bind.dll'(error 126)

how to fix this error

and really thanks for this great job.



is this still active, i want to use your work but i dont know where to start, i installed commando.exe, it apprears in my script.

what I want - I have an EA which writes OHLC data to csv file, now i also want that EA To publish OHLC data so that the application at the other end subscribed to that channel/stream and get the live rates through 0mq server.

thus publisher would be the EA and server would be the central subscriber and distribute the stream to other apps.

the EA which I am currently using to get OHLC data in csv is

please guide me how should I modifiy the EA to get the above.

code help would be great or even algorithm or steps included may also suffice.

many thanks



Hi Starry,

thanks for uploading your library. It's really useful. I've noticed that in there is file account.proto. I would really like to use Google Protocol Buffers. Do you know how to use this within Meta Trader?


Best regards,



it can not be run under x64 system

do you have x64 version?


hiii starry

My requirement is to establish server client tcp communication in mt4 

I have downloaded your lib and trying to execute your sample zmq_pub_sub

i get an error while binding the socket..error no is 22 but i see just '???' in error string  

int z_bind (int socket,string endpoint) { //for the servers

  z_trace("z_bind: "+endpoint); 

  int ret = _zmq_bind(socket,endpoint);  


am using build 670..Any help would be appreciated..

mt4error1.png  282 kb