Discussion of article "Visualizing optimization results using a selected criterion"


New article Visualizing optimization results using a selected criterion has been published:

In the article, we continue to develop the MQL application for working with optimization results. This time, we will show how to form the table of the best results after optimizing the parameters by specifying another criterion via the graphical interface.

To see the visualization of all selected results, go to the Results tab and then select the Favorites tab. By default, 100 best results by the Profit criterion are added to the table. Another criterion for selecting 100 best results can be selected from the Criterion drop-down list at any moment. We will return to this later. Now let's consider the methods of organizing this process.

 Fig. 2. Graph of the best optimization results

Fig. 2. Graph of the best optimization results

Author: Anatoli Kazharski



Is these files still working?

I'm trying to install it, but it's not working.

There is a lot of warning message:

And there is 1 error message:

For the Error - "AddItem" in CreateGui.mqh file, I solved inserting some string routine in the function:

//--- Specify the number of parts and set their properties
   for(int i=0; i<STATUS_LABELS_TOTAL; i++)
       string status_add="status_bar_"+IntegerToString(i); // Line insterted to fix the error.

But, when I try to used it, the panel still in blank. There is no information.


Please @Anatoli Kazharski , could you help me? Please.