Problem with initiating >2 indicators


I'm writing an EA that uses momentum for trading. For this I use 4 indicators in pairs of 2. Pair one evaluates for example H1, the second pair M10. I'm using the iMA() function to init it, see the code below. But when running, the second pair both return invalid handles. What am I doing wrong here? (Please assume all the used variables are initiated prior to this.

int p1LargeTrendPanel = iMA(_Symbol, myP1, p1LargeTrendPeriod, 0, p1LargeTrendSMAMethod, PRICE_CLOSE);
if(p1LargeTrendPanel == INVALID_HANDLE)
        Print("p1LargeTrendPanel: Failed to create a handle: ",GetLastError());
int p1SmallTrendPanel = iMA(_Symbol, myP1, p1SmallTrendPeriod, 0, p1SmallTrendSMAMethod, PRICE_CLOSE);
if(p1SmallTrendPanel == INVALID_HANDLE)
        Print("p1SmallTrendPanel: Failed to create a handle: ",GetLastError());
int p2LargeTrendPanel = iMA(_Symbol, myP2, p2LargeTrendPeriod, 0, p2LargeTrendSMAMethod, PRICE_CLOSE);
if(p2LargeTrendPanel == INVALID_HANDLE)
        Print("P2LargePanel: Failed to create a handle: ",GetLastError());
int p2SmallTrendPanel = iMA(_Symbol, myP2, p2SmallTrendPeriod, 0, p2SmallTrendSMAMethod, PRICE_CLOSE);
if(p2SmallTrendPanel == INVALID_HANDLE)
        Print("p2SmallPanel: Failed to create a handle: ",GetLastError());

I'm writing an EA that uses momentum for trading. For this I use 4 indicators in pairs of 2. Pair one evaluates for example H1, the second pair M10. I'm using the iMA() function to init it, see the code below. But when running, the second pair both return invalid handles. What am I doing wrong here? (Please assume all the used variables are initiated prior to this.

use _LastError to see why your handles are invalid... most probably internal parameters are wrong

Create your handles in OnIinit. use them in OnTick.
Code2219 or probably 2319:

use _LastError to see why your handles are invalid... most probably internal parameters are wrong

As you can see, that is already in there. The error message simply reads: "Failed to create a handle: 4002". Not much to go by unfortunately. I think I'll just build a quick  MA algo myself and call that instead.
As you can see, that is already in there. The error message simply reads: "Failed to create a handle: 4002". Not much to go by unfortunately. I think I'll just build a quick  MA algo myself and call that instead.
error codes

which means at least one of the parameters passed to iMA is wrong :
