Indicators: ATR Value Indicator - page 2


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Indicators: ATR Value Indicator

Rohan Sawant, 2022.04.10 15:21

Hi Hossein Nouri,

Thanks you for the indicator, it's a great help.

However, I have an issue whereby, when I set the indicator to a template and then change the timeframes on the chart, it creates another object for the other timeframes on top on the original template/object even though the timeframe on the indicator is sent to current.

Please can you amend or show me how to amend this as I can't see the ATR when I change/flick back-and-forth between multiple timeframes and multiple templates?

Also, please click/(Copy paste the URL on browser.) on the Video-Link below as I had recorded so hopefully making it easier to understand.

(Please wait a few seconds till the video loads) VideoLINK:

Warmest Regards


I have the same problem. When you save the template with the indicator then load the template with other chart, the problem then occurs. Please check attached image.


I found a workaround. Just hide the indicator in one timeframe then cycle between timeframes.


Problem reoccurs after several minutes have passed.

template.png  44 kb
Thanks Hossein, For the Indicator. GOD Blesss You
thanks a lot..