Why TP and SL levels are not visible in MT5 history? - page 3

Icham Aidibe:

Because it's no easy to browse thru history to find out which tp & sl are used by a user who want to earn money by the sweat of his forehead (not sure the adage works the same in english) : but anyway, it's unfair for those who suffer coding/trading all day long to be hijacked by the first one coming. He/she could at least make the effort to browse the deal history.

We could also discuss money & ethic. With 500$ one can buy the full shotgun equipment. So I refute from the outset any argument that refers to the MP3 we all have.

Are you telling me the this change from MT4 to MT5 (SL and TP history data) was done on purpose, in order to hide the whole picture from potential signal subscribers?

Come on!

Eleni Anna Branou:

Are you telling me the this change from MT4 to MT5 (SL and TP history data) was done on purpose, in order to hide the whole picture from potential signal subscribers?

Come on!

Deals/orders book is full with the terminal - just hidden on signal report. Better suggestion maybe ? 

And in absolute terms, at present time - it can change tomorrow - you have to or subscribe or calculate MathAbs(exit-entry)/point  <--- don't exaggerate it's not like drinking the whole sea (for that adage also i'm not sure of the english version)