How to make bool in an array[]


Hello everyone,

I'm not sure how to do this.  Sorry not very helpful code snippet, can it be achieved?


Hello everyone,

I'm not sure how to do this.  Sorry not very helpful code snippet, can it be achieved?

I'm sorry I really don't know what you want to achieve. I've been thinking about that for almost 5 minutes. But I have no idea. Creating a bool array? Triggering DlWI() when MRH==MRL? Your set of conditions is a bit nonsense.
BTW I usually set a bool variable this way c=MRH<MO; instead of if(MRH<MO){c=true;}
But it depends what you want to achieve.
Petr Nosek:
I'm sorry I really don't know what you want to achieve. I've been thinking about that for almost 5 minutes. But I have no idea. Creating a bool array? Triggering DlWI() when MRH==MRL? Your set of conditions is a bit nonsense.
BTW I usually set a bool variable this way c=MRH<MO; instead of if(MRH<MO){c=true;}
But it depends what you want to achieve.

Hello again,

Something like this.

bool= Conditions[state]

where state identified bool Conditions[]  

"BTW I usually set a bool variable this way c=MRH<MO; instead of if(MRH<MO){c=true;}"

MRH, MO aren't bool


"BTW I usually set a bool variable this way c=MRH<MO; instead of if(MRH<MO){c=true;}"

MRH, MO aren't bool

Of course MRH and MO needn't be bool. If MRH is less than MO then c is true otherwise c is false.


Hello again,

Something like this.

where state identified bool Conditions[]  

I still don't know what you want to achieve.

I write an example how you can work with conditions.

   bool arr[3];
   double X1=1.0,X2=0.0,X3=2.0;
   arr[1]=X1<X2;  // In this case is false
   arr[2]=X1<X3;  // In this case is true
   arr[3]=X2<X3;  // In this case is true
   int count=ArraySize(arr);
   bool met=true;
   // Check if all condition are met
   for(int i=0;i<count;i++) met&=arr[i];
   if(met) Print("All the condition are met");
   else Print("Not all the condition are met");
Petr Nosek:

I still don't know what you want to achieve.

I write an example how you can work with conditions.

Hello again,

I believe that I may have solved the problem. Still a work in process atm.

Petr Nosek #:

I still don't know what you want to achieve.

I write an example how you can work with conditions.

interesting way you shared there..

i dont understand the "&=" that 

met = met & arr[i];

i dont understand that to explain please? 

JimSingadventure #: interesting way you shared there.. i dont understand the "&=" that  i dont understand that to explain please? 

Read up on standard "C/C++" shorthand assignment operator notation.

Example Meaning
+= a += b a = a + b
-= a -= b a = a - b
*= a *= b a = a * b
/= a /= b a = a / b
%= a %= b a = a % b
&= a &= b a = a & b
|= a |= b a = a | b
^= a ^= b a = a ^ b
~= a ~= b a = a ~ b
<<= a <<= b a = a << b
>>= a >>= b a = a >> b