Impact of email message format on processing speed - page 2


It's always fun analyzing the efficiency of code but in reality the time difference between string functions are mere microseconds, and if even it were 1000x difference it still wouldn't matter because this is not an HFT platform and 1ms won't make a difference let alone a few microseconds...

I'd agree with you in 99.99% of cases, but I have very real-world uses where the difference between StringAdd() and StringConcatenate() is extremely significant.

Efficiency is irrelevant, you can only send a few emails. IIRC 2 per second 10 per minute.

If the platform is crashing, fix that!

Hi whroeder1,

I have all 20 charts loaded on my platform, each with multiple indicators set to give signals at end of day. Depending on the events of the day, I sometimes receive up to 40, 50 or more emails, and they all hit my inbox within a minute or so of the market close (5 PM EST). So that hasn't been a issue for me. I'm starting to think that the problem is related to the length of the email messages. I expanded each of them from less than 10 words to 20-25 words. In your understanding, could that be a contributing factor? My next step will be to reduce the length of the messages and see if things return to normal.


Anthony Garot:

For your example, something like this:

Hi Anthony,

Thanks for the code example. With a few modifications, I was able to get it working in my indicators. In case anyone is looking for a similar solution, here it is:

   string bodytext_buy = StringFormat( "Conditions are in place for a potential BUY.\n\nInstrument  = %s \nPrice Level = %s \nTimeframe  = %s \nAlert Time   = %s", 
                                        DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits),
                                        TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(),TIME_DATE) );