Cannot edit my seller account


I am trying to become seller of automated tradinf systems

But i cannot edit my seller account.

I have to upolad  new picture of document because previous picture dont meat standarts

Bur i cannnot make any changes of my seller account.

I wrote comment, but no answer.

I dont know want to do.

I am very disapointed.

Svetlomir Stanchev:

I am trying to become seller of automated tradinf systems

But i cannot edit my seller account.

I have to upolad  new picture of document because previous picture dont meat standarts

Bur i cannnot make any changes of my seller account.

I wrote comment, but no answer.

I dont know want to do.

I am very disapointed.

You have to send a photo id (national id card, or passport).

You should take a photo of those with your phone or camera, because scans are not accepted.

If you are facing a problem, you should contact the Service Desk (left side of your profile page) and wait for their reply, they usually reply within 1-2 days, but at this time of the year it may take longer because a lot of requests have pilled up during the holidays.

  1. The Administration checks the Seller's identity documents. Usually 10 working days are given for checking a User's application to register as a Seller, however the check can be completed sooner.
  2. In case discrepancies or errors are detected during the check, an application is rejected by the Administration with a reason for rejection specified. A new check of a corrected application is performed according to regular conditions stipulated in paragraph II.1.
  3. To confirm their identity, users need to provide a photograph of one of the following documents:
    • passport (double-page spread);
    • ID card or identity certificate (front side);
    • driver's license (front side).
  4. Document photographs should meet the following requirements:
    • photographs should be in color;
    • photographs should be uncut — all edges of a document should be visible;
    • a document should occupy more than 50% of the photograph area;
    • a photograph should be clear; a text should be legible and easy to read;
    • editing photographs using image-processing applications is not allowed.
Eleni Anna Branou :

Anda harus mengirim id foto (kartu id nasional, atau paspor).

Anda harus memotret orang-orang dengan telepon atau kamera Anda, karena pemindaian tidak diterima.

Jika Anda mengalami masalah, Anda harus menghubungi Service Desk (sisi kiri halaman profil Anda) dan menunggu jawaban mereka, mereka biasanya dalam waktu 1-2 hari, namun pada saat ini mungkin diperlukan waktu lebih lama karena banyak permintaan telah tertahan selama liburan

  1. Administrasi cek dokumen identitas Penjual. Biasanya 10 hari kerja diberikan untuk review memeriksa Aplikasi Pengguna untuk review mendaftar sebagai Penjual , namun cek tersebut DAPAT diselesaikan LEBIH Cepat.
  2. Jika terjadi ketidaksesuaian atau kesalahan terdeteksi selama pemeriksaan, permohonan ditolak oleh Administrasi dengan alasan yang memang ditentukan. Pemeriksaan baru dari aplikasi yang pilihan dilakukan sesuai dengan kondisi reguler yang ditentukan dalam paragraf II.1.
  3. Untuk membuka identitas mereka, pengguna perlu memberikan foto salah satu dokumen berikut:
    • paspor (halaman ganda);
    • KTP atau sertifikat identitas (sisi depan);
    • SIM (sisi depan).
  4. Foto dokumen harus memenuhi persyaratan berikut:
    • foto harus berwarna;
    • foto harus dipotong - semua aksi harus terlihat;
    • dokumen harusak lebih dari 50% area foto;
    • foto harus jelas; sebuah teks harus terbaca dan mudah dibaca;
    • mengedit foto menggunakan aplikasi pengolah gambar tidak diperbolehkan
Svetlomir Stanchev:

I am trying to become seller of automated tradinf systems

But i cannot edit my seller account.

I have to upolad  new picture of document because previous picture dont meat standarts

Bur i cannnot make any changes of my seller account.

I wrote comment, but no answer.

I dont know want to do.

I am very disapointed.

could ask siport serviceis idair from  
Atika Atika:

Thank you for translating my posts to Indonesian!

Thengs for information, becouse i have same case ...