[MQL5] If you do not use MetaEditor to code, which alternative editor do you use? - page 4

Marco vd Heijden:

And here's Geany where you also can track variables, classes and functions.


Hi  ...is there a guide how to set it up ?


Marcin Rutkowski:

Hi  ...is there a guide how to set it up ?


Follow the link in my profile to configuration files for Geany for MQL.
hi, thanks for the info, in visual studio code with MQL5 highlight extension, is possible to change the original colour scheme? example: in original settings comments are green, how can i turn it to white?
@Fernando Carreiro Hi, I not able to get auto-complete for built-in MQL functions/structs like SymbolInfoTick() or MqlTick fields for example. With this method I can have that?
Marco vd Heijden:

And here's Geany where you also can track variables, classes and functions.


Fernando Carreiro:

Yes, it also has "Code Folding", "Auto-complete/IntelliSense", "Code-snippets" as well as "Bracket matching", but I am not advocating VSCode over others, it is simply my own personal preference.

If you are interested, here is an overview of the features: Code Editing Features in VS Code

Hi  Fernando !

While debugging can a tree of objects be seen in the VSCode?


Nikolai Karetnikov: While debugging can a tree of objects be seen in the VSCode?
Obviously not! VSCode is a general code editor! It is not a compiler or debugger for MQL! MQL is a propriety system, and no other compiler/debugger exists for it except for the official MetaEditor!
Fernando Carreiro:
Obviously not! VSCode is a general code editor! It is not a compiler or debugger for MQL! MQL is a propriety system, and no other compiler/debugger exists for it except for the official MetaEditor!

Just checking.

Thank you! 

Are VSCode editor's advantages really so overwhelming that even without debugging you prefer it over MetaEditor ? 

Nikolai Karetnikov:

Just checking.

Thank you! 

Are VSCode editor's advantages really so overwhelming that even without debugging you prefer it over MetaEditor ? 

Personally the answer is clearly NO. My way to code is needing constantly the compiler and debugger and I can't and don't want to use an external tool. The advantages would be outclassed by the inconvenients.

But it's a matter of personal style and choice.

Nikolai Karetnikov: Are VSCode editor's advantages really so overwhelming that even without debugging you prefer it over MetaEditor ? 

You did not pay attention to what I wrote: I use both MetaEditor as well as VSCode (in that order of preference).

Fernando Carreiro:

You did not pay attention to what I wrote: I use both MetaEditor as well as VSCode (in that order of preference).

Hi fernando!

would you help me how to use Code complete or intellisense ?

i saw you wrote how to use but i don't understand.

would you tell me how to configure to use code complete ,intellisense?

thanks so much