How do I open a new sell or buy position?


Okay so I'm very new to this and have very little understanding of trading and I'm just helping someone else out. I have a very simple task: to open a new sell or buy position if certain conditions were met, but I can't seem to work this out. I've tried googling but nothing came out.

I've tried this

void OnTick()


   CTrade trade;

   MqlTick Tick;


   bool buyPositionIsOpen = false;

   bool sellPositionIsOpen = false;


   int mA = iMA (_Symbol, Ma_timeframe, Ma_period, Ma_shift, Ma_method, AppliedPrice);


   if (mA - X  <= Tick.ask && sellPositionIsOpen == false)


      trade.Sell(VOLUME, _Symbol, Tick.ask, SL, TP, "");

      sellPositionIsOpen = true;



   if (mA + X >= && buyPositionIsOpen == false)


      trade.Buy(VOLUME, _Symbol,, SL, TP, "");

      buyPositionIsOpen = true;



(I've also tried using this:

bool  PositionOpen( 
   const string     symbol,         // symbol 
   ENUM_ORDER_TYPE  order_type,     // order type to open position 
   double           volume,         // position volume 
   double           price,          // execution price 
   double           sl,             // Stop Loss price 
   double           tp,             // Take Profit price 
   const string     comment=""      // comment 

but it didn't work)

so how do I open a sell or buy position exactly? 


Example, how to get data from the iMA indicator (note that the indicator handler needs to be created ONE times in OnInit ()):

//|                                                       iMAGet.mq5 |
//|                              Copyright © 2017, Vladimir Karputov |
//|                                  |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2017, Vladimir Karputov"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.001"
//--- input parameters
input bool                 InpGetArray=true;             // get values into an array
input uchar                InpCount=9;                   // count -> only if "get values into an array"==true
input int                  InpStartPos=1;                // start position -> only if "get values into an array"==true
input int                  ma_period=10;                 // period of ma 
input int                  ma_shift=0;                   // shift 
input ENUM_MA_METHOD       ma_method=MODE_SMA;           // type of smoothing 
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   applied_price=PRICE_CLOSE;    // type of price 
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      period=PERIOD_CURRENT;        // timeframe 
int                        handle_iMA;                   // variable for storing the handle of the iMA indicator 
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create handle of the indicator iMA
//--- if the handle is not created 
      //--- tell about the failure and output the error code 
      PrintFormat("Failed to create handle of the iMA indicator for the symbol %s/%s, error code %d",
      //--- the indicator is stopped early 
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)

//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
      double ma_0=iMAGet(0);
      double ma_1=iMAGet(1);

      Comment("mode \"get values into an array\" -> false","\n",
              "MA #0: ",DoubleToString(ma_0,Digits()+1),"\n",
              "MA #1: ",DoubleToString(ma_1,Digits()+1));
      double arr_ma[];
         Comment("mode \"get values into an array\" -> true","\n",
                 "start position: ",IntegerToString(InpStartPos),", amount to copy: ",IntegerToString(InpCount),"\n",
                 "arr_ma[0]: ",DoubleToString(arr_ma[0],Digits()+1),"\n",
                 "arr_ma[",IntegerToString(InpCount-1),"]: ",DoubleToString(arr_ma[InpCount-1],Digits()+1));
//| Get value of buffers for the iMA                                 |
double iMAGet(const int index)
   double MA[1];
//--- reset error code 
//--- fill a part of the iMABuffer array with values from the indicator buffer that has 0 index 
      //--- if the copying fails, tell the error code 
      PrintFormat("Failed to copy data from the iMA indicator, error code %d",GetLastError());
      //--- quit with zero result - it means that the indicator is considered as not calculated 
//| Get value of buffers for the iMA in the array                    |
bool iMAGetArray(const int start_pos,const int count,double &arr_buffer[])
int  CopyBuffer( 
   int       indicator_handle,     // indicator handle 
   int       buffer_num,           // indicator buffer number 
   int       start_pos,            // start position 
   int       count,                // amount to copy 
   double    buffer[]              // target array to copy 
   bool result=true;
      Print("This a no dynamic array!");
//--- reset error code 
//--- fill a part of the iMABuffer array with values from the indicator buffer that has 0 index 
   int copied=CopyBuffer(handle_iMA,0,start_pos,count,arr_buffer);
      //--- if the copying fails, tell the error code 
      PrintFormat("Failed to copy data from the iMA indicator, error code %d",GetLastError());
      //--- quit with zero result - it means that the indicator is considered as not calculated 
   else if(copied<count)
      PrintFormat("%d elements from %d were copied",copied,count);

After that, you can already start using the trade class CTrade.

iMAGet.mq5  12 kb