High Spread? - page 2


If not due to spread. it may be brokers cheats or insuficient balance.

by the way, can you attached that indicator. I want to use it to filter trend direction.


Please do not throw accusations without proof. I suggest you to stop talking about broker here.

I'm not throwing accusations; it just what i suggest, and i answer due to my past experience with some brokers.

The last time i read the forum rules, i think it not a sin to mention a general word "broker" but it an offence to mention name and link of a specific broker. And i didn't mention any broker in particular. Forgive me if i'm wrong.


with metaquotes data, the spread is within normal range

only with my broker data then this happens.

guess my EA should be more profitable. haha... 

I think my suggestion may be true.


I'm not throwing accusations; it just what i suggest, and i answer due to my past experience with some brokers.

The last time i read the forum rules, i think it not a sin to mention a general word "broker" but it an offence to mention name and link of a specific broker. And i didn't mention any broker in particular. Forgive me if i'm wrong.

I think my suggestion may be true.

Read them again.

2. Negative discussions of any banking, brokerage and other financial institutions are not allowed.

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