Loading remote URL via Wininet.dll... how to detect HTTP errors ?


Hi.. Below is my ReadUrl() function to read remote http sites... and works fine!

But it only works with valid valid content.  If an error occurs(404, 500, etc) there is no solution so far.

So i need to detect HTTP errors. Anyone have any idea on how to do this?

#import  "Wininet.dll"
   int InternetOpenW(string, int, string, string, int);
   int InternetConnectW(int, string, int, string, string, int, int, int); 
   int HttpOpenRequestW(int, string, string, int, string, int, string, int); 
   int InternetOpenUrlW(int, string, string, int, int, int);
   int InternetReadFile(int, uchar & arr[], int, int& OneInt[]);
   int InternetCloseHandle(int); 

void ReadUrl(string url, string& data)
   int HttpOpen = InternetOpenW(" ", 0, " ", " ", 0); 
   int HttpConnect = InternetConnectW(HttpOpen, "", 80, "", "", 3, 0, 1); 
   int HttpRequest = InternetOpenUrlW(HttpOpen, url, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
   int read[1];
   uchar  Buffer[];
   ArrayResize(Buffer, READURL_BUFFER_SIZEX + 1);
   while (true)
      InternetReadFile(HttpRequest, Buffer, READURL_BUFFER_SIZEX, read);
      string strThisRead = CharArrayToString(Buffer, 0, read[0], CP_UTF8);
      if (read[0] > 0)
         data = data + strThisRead;
   if (HttpRequest > 0) InternetCloseHandle(HttpRequest); 
   if (HttpConnect > 0) InternetCloseHandle(HttpConnect); 
   if (HttpOpen > 0) InternetCloseHandle(HttpOpen);  
Wemerson Guimaraes:

Hi.. Below is my ReadUrl() function to read remote http sites... and works fine!

But it only works with valid valid content.  If an error occurs(404, 500, etc) there is no solution so far.

So i need to detect HTTP errors. Anyone have any idea on how to do this?

I have been using HttpQueryInfoW (HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE|HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER as the info level) to get the response status code of an asynchronous request. I am not sure if it works with the above synchronous request, but you may give it a try.

Ex Ovo Omnia:

I have been using HttpQueryInfoW (HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE|HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER as the info level) to get the response status code of an asynchronous request. I am not sure if it works with the above synchronous request, but you may give it a try.


It works my friend. Thank U so much!!!

Below my Complete Wininet.mqh lib... One more time, thak you so much to help me finish my function!
I believe it can be improved and get even more improvements. But to my need it's perfect.

//|                                                      Wininet.mqh |
//|                                                     Version: 1.0 |
//|                            Copyright 2015, Wemerson C. Guimaraes |
//|                  https://www.mql5.com/pt/users/wemersonrv/seller |
#property copyright "Copyright 2015, Wemerson C. Guimaraes"
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com/pt/users/wemersonrv/seller"
//====================================   ReadUrl Function   =======================================

#import  "Wininet.dll"
   int InternetOpenW(string, int, string, string, int);
   int InternetConnectW(int, string, int, string, string, int, int, int); 
   int HttpOpenRequestW(int, string, string, int, string, int, string, int); 
   int InternetOpenUrlW(int, string, string, int, int, int);
   int InternetReadFile(int, uchar & arr[], int, int& OneInt[]);
   int InternetCloseHandle(int); 
   int HttpQueryInfoW(int ,int ,uchar &lpvBuffer[],int& lpdwBufferLength, int& lpdwIndex);

void ReadUrl(string url, string& data)
        int HttpOpen = InternetOpenW(" ", 0, " ", " ", 0); 
   int HttpConnect = InternetConnectW(HttpOpen, "", 80, "", "", 3, 0, 1); 
   int HttpRequest = InternetOpenUrlW(HttpOpen, url, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
   uchar cBuff[5];
   int cBuffLength=10;
   int cBuffIndex=0;
   int HttpQueryInfoW = HttpQueryInfoW(HttpRequest, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE, cBuff, cBuffLength, cBuffIndex);
   // HTTP Codes... Only the 1st character (4xx, 5xx, etc)
   int http_code = (int) CharArrayToString(cBuff, 0, WHOLE_ARRAY, CP_UTF8);   
   if( http_code==4 || http_code==5 ){ // 4XX || 5XX
      Print("HTTP Error: ", http_code, "XX");
      if (HttpRequest > 0) InternetCloseHandle(HttpRequest); 
      if (HttpConnect > 0) InternetCloseHandle(HttpConnect); 
      if (HttpOpen > 0) InternetCloseHandle(HttpOpen);  
      int read[1];
      uchar  Buffer[];
      ArrayResize(Buffer, READURL_BUFFER_SIZEX + 1);
      while (true)
         InternetReadFile(HttpRequest, Buffer, READURL_BUFFER_SIZEX, read);
         string strThisRead = CharArrayToString(Buffer, 0, read[0], CP_UTF8);
         if (read[0] > 0)
            data = data + strThisRead;
   if (HttpRequest > 0) InternetCloseHandle(HttpRequest); 
   if (HttpConnect > 0) InternetCloseHandle(HttpConnect); 
   if (HttpOpen > 0) InternetCloseHandle(HttpOpen);  
Wininet.mqh  7 kb
Ex Ovo Omnia:

I have been using HttpQueryInfoW (HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE|HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER as the info level) to get the response status code of an asynchronous request. I am not sure if it works with the above synchronous request, but you may give it a try.


Is your async request function public?