CList::QuickSort has bug


I used Clist::QuickSort and got a wrong result.

 totals include [1]48, [2]48, [3]48, [4]25.66666667, [5]25.66666667, [6]25.66666667, [7]17.5, [8]17.5, [9]117, [10]15, [11]10.8, [12]9, [13]8, [14]8, [15]8, [16]8, [17]8, [18]8, [19]8, [20]8, 

[9]117 was expected to appear at index 0.

Please help me to find where the bug is. Thanks.

Bug about Standard Library have to be reported to ServiceDesk.
Alain Verleyen:
Bug about Standard Library have to be reported to ServiceDesk.

Can you close this thread? Thanks.