Order opening condition

Hello, can is possibol create this condition?

If, within three seconds, from the open [0] there are 25 points, open position
ea_mt4: can is possibol create this condition?
  1. Easy. Combine new bar code, 3 second sleep, RefreshRates, compare market, and if true open.
  2. You have only four choices: We're not going to code it for you (although it could happen if you are lucky or the problem is interesting.) We are willing to help you when you post your attempt (using SRC) and the nature of your problem. No free help. urgent help.
whroeder1 :
  1. Facile. Combinare nuovo codice a barre, tre secondi Il sonno, RefreshRates , confrontare Mercato, e se e vero aperto.
  2. Hai Solo quattro Scelte : Non STIAMO Andando un codificarlo per voi (anche se potrebbe Accadere se Si e fortunati o il Problema E interessante.) Siamo disposti ad aiutare QUANDO SI Posta Il Tuo Tentativo (utilizzando SRC ) e la natura del Vostro Problema. Nessun Aiuto gratuito . Aiuto urgente.

I tried to write this formula, it seems to work, is it correct for you?

If ((High [0] -Open [0]> 20 * Point) && (Seconds () <15)) // buy
If ((Open [0] - Low [0]> 10 * Point) && (Seconds () <15)) // sell
You can check it yourself using Comment("");
ea_mt4: I tried to write this formula, it seems to work, is it correct for you?

If ((High [0] -Open [0]> 20 * Point) && (Seconds () <15)) // buy
If ((Open [0] - Low [0]> 10 * Point) && (Seconds () <15)) // sell
  1. Use SRC for code.
  2. Your original post was "3 seconds from the bar opening." Seconds < 15 only works on the M1 timeframe. On higher TF charts that will be true multiple times.
  3. I previously posted, combine new bar code and 3 second sleep. An alternative is TimeCurrent() - Time[0] < 15
  4. open - low will never be positive.