Earn more than 60 pips daily strategy - page 6

Great results today Thanks god

screen shot not a proof. u can show "good days" result,hiding "bad days"! so we need either your account statement or link your ac to myfxbook.that's good. you already demanded 90$ for your ea by my mail. so your intention is suspicious!

screen shot not a proof. u can show "good days" result,hiding "bad days"! so we need either your account statement or link your ac to myfxbook.that's good. you already demanded 90$ for your ea by my mail. so your intention is suspicious!

Don't worry i will share myfxbook soon

90$ is for Ea with 3 months expired date

The opened version is higher than this



Thank you

My mail is galili.itamar@gmail.com

Thank you My mail is galili.itamar@gmail.com
I sent to you Good luck
ok leave me your email to send to you

Can you send the indicators and template. I have mailed to you. My mail address is rajnayem2012@gmail.com

Can you send the indicators and template. I have mailed to you. My mail address is rajnayem2012@gmail.com

I sent to your mail


template to muhdnation@gmail.com

Thank you and have a good day sir.


Can you send the indicators, template and  EA, very much thanks to you.

my email tokey_zhong@163.com 

Xiaosheng Zhong:


Can you send the indicators, template and  EA, very much thanks to you.

my email tokey_zhong@163.com 

Who will send?
Which indicators and templates?

Probably @gorge fx but i haven't seen him in a while...