Can you bank on luck in the forex?


It is well said that the foreign exchange market is a technical market. You cannot just jump in to the market and say you want to make some money without an adequate fundamental training about market movements (which most times is gotten on demo account. You see, then it gets to surprise me that some traders could come into the forex armed with very little or no knowledge about forex works and are like “hey, let me open a couple of trades, I might be lucky on one, it is almost impossible for all of them to go wrong”. And then they get to open the and very fortunately one gets to enter right and he makes a profit from it. The question now is that: can this way of making profit be sustained? Can he bank on luck, can luck give him consistent profit in the marke


Most traders believe that luck has an important role to play in the success of forex trading; but I prefer to believe that due diligence is a better factor in forex than depending on luck
