A great method so far - page 4


haven't yet....bought it via eBay...said 4-7 days LOL

please can someone tell me that a demo account works just like a real account, if so, this method is a godsend.

Hey Benji,

I am going to take a stab in the dark and guess that you haven't been in the game for very long??? The biggest difference between live and demo is that demo is not real money! You have nothing on the line nothing to lose, therefore your emotions will play a part in your trading live with your own real money unless you study up on the topic.

If you have not yet touched on the subject of controlling your emotions while trading, i will strongly suggest you do so!!! One way or another you will learn about it, it's just a matter of whether you want to do it the easy way or the hard way, trust me you don't want to find out the hard way as i did .

The system seems like it is good for now and i don't doubt you are having some success with it, but i am skeptical about just how good it could really be. Lets think about it for a sec, if you came up with this Holy Grail of a system then why would you sell it for 25 GBP?? I know if i was going to sell my system it would be for much more then 25 GBP because i know it works and is worth much more and not to mention the years of trial and error i put into it. It just doesn't seem right does it?

You'll be able to learn from this experience when it breaks down but thats okay as long as you learn something from it, it can only be a good thing its all part of the process.....But then who knows it may just be that good and all us nay sayers can eat our words




omg...could it be any more badly written. LOL...will take look at it tonight. Won't take more than 10 mins to review it by the looks of things. (shakes his head)


why does everyone think i own it lol, i purchased it and i agree that the written part is not as good, thank goodness for the video.


Simply because you did not explain in details about the system, the risk and roughly what method is based on.

why does everyone think i own it lol, i purchased it and i agree that the written part is not as good, thank goodness for the video.

first edit of review done...reads like waffle so will edit it a bit in the morning and post it up.


Just read your review, maybe i can answer your question below.

How many trades in one period can you take?

How do you know when to trade and when not to?

What do you do if a trade goes against you from the start?

but first answer mine, as you are the top trader here.

1. How many trades in one period can you take Hooya?

2.How do you know when to trade and when not to hooya?

3. What do you do if a trade goes against you from the start hooya?

being the simon cowel of the forex world, you should be able to answer your own questions shouldnt you hooya,

oh, and what a fantastic day i have had today in trading, how about you hooya?


is there any way i can show you guys how to do this method live to prove the big reviewr that he is wrong ???????


Of course show us your statement live. Via myfxbook or https://www.mql5.com/go?link=http://www.mt4stats.om


Hooya is asking valid questions when using the system. I paid money for the system and yet I still need to find out when to trade and how to trade? What nonsense?

Just read your review, maybe i can answer your question below. How many trades in one period can you take? How do you know when to trade and when not to? What do you do if a trade goes against you from the start? but first answer mine, as you are the top trader here. 1. How many trades in one period can you take Hooya? 2.How do you know when to trade and when not to hooya? 3. What do you do if a trade goes against you from the start hooya? being the simon cowel of the forex world, you should be able to answer your own questions shouldnt you hooya, oh, and what a fantastic day i have had today in trading, how about you hooya?