Ir Eko Cahyono MM


This is a new variation of Nina but does not lock up your system like Nina does.It is also similar to step ma and step ma nk but is more accurate in its signals.


thanks for sharing


Is it possible to create an ea of this indicator?


No way to build an ea for this indicator?


ini sudah pernah ada di sebelumnya pa tapi kurang bagus untuk di bunakan menurut saya


ini sudah pernah ada di sebelumnya pa tapi kurang bagus untuk di gunakan menurut saya


what are the rules for this indicator?



nice one thanks for sharing


Thank's a lot. It could be useful.


Ir. Eko is one of best trader in indonesia, located in yogyakarta. he creates indicator for forex that asssure all of you to profit, i said that because i was saw on his website .

if i had money, i would like to join with him. he had indicator with alert signal that he created himself to make profit.