Useful Tips to Success in Currency Trading


Trading in forex currency market without having the prime knowledge on how the system works, would be just like playing a game without knowing the rules and objectives beforehand. Learn here about some of the currency trading tips that can help you achieve success in currency trading market.

Always be patient with the forex market: Many forex traders think that the more they trade the greater is the chances of success, but this is totally a wrong assumption. In this type of trading, you need to make up your mind that don’t get rewarded for how often you trade, but you get rewarded for getting your trades right. Ultimately try to be patient during the early stage of your currency trading. Learn the fact that there is about 70% of the time that price is in a consolidation channel

Constantly sharpen your trading skills: It is important to understand that there is no limit to a currency trading training. If you wish to be a successful trader, you must consistently sharpen your trading skills and forex market knowledge. Today you have option like internet. It has a wealth off forex education, that's all free and can give you all the basics you need to get started. Develop your skill and you will sure to see results.

Don't day trade: Unfortunately, the biggest myth of currency trading is that day trading makes money, but it is almost a false illusion. You can never find a day trading system with a long term track record of profits. In fact it is always better to look for swing trade. You can go for moves of a few days to a week or may even follow long term trends of weeks or months. Being as a novice trader, swing trading can be the easier option as it requires less patience and trades come around more often.

Don’t diversify too much: In currency trading, diversification is the enemy of making really big profits. Therefore, if you wish to make big profits, its better to take calculated risks on the really good trades and go for maximum profits. This is the simplest way you can make really big gains.

Trade in pairs but with major currencies– This is the very vital tip that you must concern seriously. It is just like maintaining any relationship in day to day world. In this currency trading you must have the proper knowledge of both the currencies, not only one. Besides this, never trade minor currencies that can feature erratic moves or currencies that don’t have a long history. Stay with the major currencies, like US $, British Pound, Euro Swiss Franc and Japanese yen, as they can give you plenty of opportunities, so use them properl


thanx budd !! these are really helpful



you say don t day trade, let s say ok...

what would be a long term trade for you?

on what scale r u trading?


One of the prerequisites for succeeding in currency trading is to know, understand and read the various currency charts. Although going through text in reports, updates, etc. is important in order to understand market behavior, it can take considerable time to go through such literature before taking key decisions. This can cost a trader dearly in pressure situations

Don't day trade: Unfortunately, the biggest myth of currency trading is that day trading makes money, but it is almost a false illusion. You can never find a day trading system with a long term track record of profits. In fact it is always better to look for swing trade. You can go for moves of a few days to a week or may even follow long term trends of weeks or months. Being as a novice trader, swing trading can be the easier option as it requires less patience and trades come around more often.

I wanna quote this , my 2 years experiences in intraday trading told me , you should get out after get the money or you loose it at another signal.

And be nice with 1D , less fake signal