Multiple MetaTraders acconts joined into one directory


Hi everyone!

To some this question must sound stupid, but if you can explain to me why I have to download various versions of MetaTrader4 (depending on broker used) I would be grateful. I have bandwidth limitations and have to pay extra for every MB outside my 1GB limit!

With the limited insight I have in programming and Metatrader4 my question is: why do I have to download a new version of MT4 for every broker? Why cant I simply download a "server.ini" file and add the information to an existing "server.ini" file?

Put aside the interest of every broker to "force" me into their service (because that where they make their money!) - I can't see a reason for not having a central directory of MT4 and several "broker init files" that could be used to start different instances of MT4.

As a Mac user I am familiar of having several parallel processes running simultainously and I do not understand the "limitations" of MT4 on the Windows platform - although every article and forum tells me MT4 is the superior free FX platform. Maybe I have completely misunderstood Windows capability of running simultainous paralell processeses?

Can someone with more insight in programming and OS platforms than myself please explain:

1: What are the difficulties to transfer/compile a C++ file (if I'm not mistaken this is the programming languge of MT4) to another OS

2: Would it be possible to in Windows to start various instansies of MT4 where I could use various brokers and separate accounts.

I'm still demotrading and learning and trying to get a grip of the varios options around - but without paying a premium the MT4 platform is the best I've seen so far.

Well, I'm not a Windows user - but I have the option to run Windows virtually or in dual-boot mode. However I'm aware of a new Windows installtion beeing infected by virus within 10-20 minutes after exposure to the Internet

Of course I'm aware of Anti-Virus etc. - but what impact will this have on my trading? What is the delay of my AntiVirus program checking incoming data and buy and sell orders?

Grateful for any comments - but please do not make this an issue of Windows contra other OS-es. I believe that we all - independent of OS platform would gain if brokers where forced to act more in the interest of the customer and the Open Source community.

Good trading to all of you out the - hope to catch up with you tomorrow!