The London Open - page 79


Ok i am out of EURUSD and GOLD...

Thats 30 loss in EURUSD and 40 in GOLD.

Not a disaster but still annoying.

The market does that sometimes and orders come in.

The CRUDE did it with the lack of momentum and should have waited for it.



Ok been kicked into CRUDE at 103.65, on break of 60min 20ma as said earlier this am...

Need this baby to run for me.




I'm in a USDJPY trade thats going up . In from 105.95 but with gold not falling of I was going to cut this trade but it seems to have broken out and on the chart looks good to 107.00 ish?

what are your thoughts on this?


Out of CRUDE for 100 pips... Now 30 up for the day... Sweaty forehead!!!


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Dan I'm in a USDJPY trade thats going up . In from 105.95 but with gold not falling of I was going to cut this trade but it seems to have broken out and on the chart looks good to 107.00 ish? what are your thoughts on this?

I can see what u r saying...Nice entry on the 5min at 95.

Great work.



Captured crude on break above 107 (CLX8) and closed for 58 pips. Also grabbed some sneaky pips as gold broke through my trend line at 885 for 22. Missed the yens this morning - overall yen weakness but only for the early birds and the ones that don't sleep like Le Pimp.

Currencies messy and seem to be choppy - staying out of em for the moment, but do like cable lower below 1.8500 if it can break this level.

Happy Pipping

Rowing Rockie


Its certainly been a day to keep you on your toes. I have stayed out of currencies this morning. I saw set-ups but with black and gold seemingly out of sync I decided not to risk anything. I did however like FTSE and saw it struggle to go past 5165 which was my hourly 200. I jumped in at 5155 with s/l at 5170 and just sat it out watching, and watching and then finally we had some momentum. I closed out at 5109 after it struggled to go through 5100 for 46 pips.

It has been a long and frustrating morning and I think I have really had to work for my pips today. Off to watch some footie this afternoon (u12's) and give my youngest some encouragement.

Hope fellow pipsters have had a better day than me.

Till later

Motey Rockie

Its certainly been a day to keep you on your toes. I have stayed out of currencies this morning. I saw set-ups but with black and gold seemingly out of sync I decided not to risk anything. I did however like FTSE and saw it struggle to go past 5165 which was my hourly 200. I jumped in at 5155 with s/l at 5170 and just sat it out watching, and watching and then finally we had some momentum. I closed out at 5109 after it struggled to go through 5100 for 46 pips. It has been a long and frustrating morning and I think I have really had to work for my pips today. Off to watch some footie this afternoon (u12's) and give my youngest some encouragement. Hope fellow pipsters have had a better day than me. Till later Motey Rockie

Hi Rock

Not easy every morning but glad u r still up...Thats the main thing...

Have a great afternoon.



Morning all

Trust you are all well.. Sliced open my hand yesterday like a plum so struggling to type...Arghhhh!!!!

Ok Crude Oil is starting to look heavy on the 60min chart. A double top has formed and the now the Daily 20ma is above. We have a triangle forming and we should wait for the break. The 5min suggests a move down as we r below the pivot so lets watch the 63 cci this am and see if he falls below the 0.00. You can see the support at 102.00 which is the 4hr 20ma so really need to see a break of this. Remember CRUDE is key and generally shows us the direction of the USD.

GOLD is in a similar state and looks a little heavy on the 60min but looking on the 5min i see we r above the daily pivot with support off the 60min 20ma. Look for a 123 here on either direction to see which way she will break.

CABLE is in my box strategy on the 4hr chart and the daily 50ma is staring me in the face... So is the USD weak again or is everyone right by saying GBP is vvv weak at the mom. Who knows!!! The monthly pivot is just ahead at around 1.8675 level, so we need to be aware of this. A pullback is due but the 5min does not suggest this...CABLE will really need to fall below the 4hr 20 is i am going to get excited back on the downside.

EURUSD on the 4hr could again go either way.. My little box strategy is great to trade but can get dangerous so be carefull as it gets choppy...Any move back down needs to break the 4hr 20ma for me to enter so keep an eye here. Again the 5min doesnt suggest this so not clear this am... Need to be patient i feel this am and wait for my 123's.

Fundamentally i am lost and trying to stop watching the news as i refuse to get depressed about the world economy.. I am here to keep myself in my bubble and getting on with life and making money...I think in this market you shouldnt even think about the next session but purely trade for now and dont think about what wil happen tomorrow etc etc...

Just glad i work for myself now and not back in the city.

Anyway have a good one.




Here are my 60min CRUDE and GOLD charts...

Need to be patient today.

CRUDE trying to break higher but need a 123 for confirmation. Prob best to wait for break on 60min as not convinced as yet...


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