Mistake made me find something...


So I made a little mistake when analysing data witht he Nasdaq mostly, (it also kinda works with the EUR/USD). Anywho I was playing around with the pivot points and what I found was this. The mistake I made was taking data from Yahoo Finance which gave me the data backwards from how my table was set. Everything was ready for an Ascending order (smallest year to highest, eg. 1984-2005). Well what I found first was that if the pivot point was lower then the opening then the price would go down, and if the pivot point was higher the price would go up. That was true in this case for ~80.3% (4145 out of 5163) of the time. Now does that mean that by using past data it can somewhat predict the future? I just cant make this all straight in my mind but maybe something worth thinking about


Actually I think I found an answer to my own question and thought... The next day's pivot point reflects the day before's movement. I was hoping this was going to be a midpoint in the historical data thaty if reversed could be told the future like in the crazy movie Pi... Anywho maybe theres something im not catching in here.

Please discuss


I think it could not be reversed, because usually pivot points as well as other indicators reflect past price. Pivot points on daily chart likely reflect the day before's price.


Pivot point shows the movement of the market in case it did a reverse already. It is is so it will show you whre the price is heding, which suport / resistance it has and so on. When looking at pivot points, I prefer to put finobacii lines for the last high/low, to make the picture more clear. Finobacii lines show possible points of reversals.


From my point of view, pivots points are interesting

Here it is an exemple with metatrader 4:

At the left : eurusd 5 minutes with daily pivots

At the right : eurusd 15 minutes with weekly pivots

You can see correspondance with M4 at 1.2314 (daily pivots) and Pivot at 1.2312 (weekly pivots)

Here between 1.2310 and 1.2315 we have a strong resistance (a correspondance with two time frames of pivots)

Furthermore, we see in 15 minutes, Schaff falling

And the market, had reverse here