
anyone has a MT4 platform's indicator that beeps when sudden price change occurs?

what i mean is, this indicator is needed to detect fast price fluctuation, the faster price moves, the faster it beeps, to alert unusual movement, ever come across this indicator?

Alternatively, an indicator that detects unusual volume, could do the job as well, hopefully I can find one that incorporates both requirement.

appreciate all feedback, thanks
You have only four choices: We're not going to code it for you (although it could happen if you are lucky or the problem is interesting.) We are willing to help you when you post your attempt (using SRC) and the nature of your problem.
Whroeder1 :
Vous n'avez que quatre choix : Nous n'allons pas le codeur pour vous (bien que cela soit possible) si vous êtes chanceux ou lelight est intéressant.) Nous sommes prêts à vous aider Vous êtes en train de vous proposer votre sélection (en utilisant SRC) et la nature de votre choix .

Hello thank you for your answer I do not try to code an indicator but only to modify the coding of a ticks volume indicator I would only like there is an alert function and a difference function that alerts me when for example the Buyers have more x points than sellers help me i really need help