MT4 Support - page 2

No company is going to remove their best product from the Market, MT4 is here to stay.

No company is going to remove their best product from the Market,

You are right but their best product is MT5. They don't sell MT4 to brokers any more, they don't earn from MT4 any more (except marginal maintenance fees).

The best product of a company is the one which makes them earn money.

MT4 is here to stay.

You are wrong.

Brokers best product is MT4, and that's why they are reluctant to invest in MT5. However it's untenable for the brokers in the long term to continue using a product which is no more developed or supported.

What is happening is between Metaquotes and brokers, either MT5 will succeed, either Metaquotes will crash. If Metaquotes crashes, a lot of brokers will crash too. So my bet is brokers will finally choose MT5.

In all cases MT4 is condemned. Just a matter of time.

Alain Verleyen:

You are right but their best product is MT5. They don't sell MT4 to brokers any more, they don't earn from MT4 any more (except marginal maintenance fees).

The best product of a company is the one which makes them earn money.

You are wrong.

Brokers best product is MT4, and that's why they are reluctant to invest in MT5. However it's untenable for the brokers in the long term to continue using a product which is no more developed or supported.

What is happening is between Metaquotes and brokers, either MT5 will succeed, either Metaquotes will crash. If Metaquotes crashes, a lot of brokers will crash too. So my bet is brokers will finally choose MT5.

In all cases MT4 is condemned. Just a matter of time.

I hear you but it doesn't make any business sense to discontinue a product which has the highest customer demand.

Broker support is driven by customer demand.  Until customers want MT5 which seems unlikely to occur any time soon, brokers will provide MT4.
We are the stock, not the customers. It is brokers who decide what platform to purchase to bait us.
We are the stock, not the customers. It is brokers who decide what platform to purchase to bait us.

Nothing could be further from the truth...

It is always always always the customer who drives product demand.
Alain Verleyen:

You are right but their best product is MT5.

If everybody shared that opinion we would not be having this conversation, right?

It is always always always the customer who drives product demand.

That is only true to the extent of customer's freedom of choice. The less alternatives provided and bigger contrast between costs the more the customer is compromising. If you have troubles moving from mql4 to mql5 which is literally the same language just try to imagine the pain rewriting your code into ninjascript, pine script or java. That pain is what will make you "voluntarily" use MT5 if it does indeed replace MT4 as the terminal for the masses.


If everybody shared that opinion we would not be having this conversation, right?

You are completely wrong, your opinion or mine or kypa's opinion doesn't matter at all.

Who said that a majority of customers want MT4 ? I am absolutely not sure about that. For sure a majority of users here or at other forums are supporters of MT4, but is that representative of all the MT4/5 users ? They make a lot of noise, compared to their representativeness. I don't know how it could be checked but I am almost sure 50% of the millions users would not be able to see the difference between MT4 and MT5.

Even if it is the case, does it really matters ? I don't think so. If a broker think it's possible to earn money with MT5 it will provide it to its customers, and that's it. When MT4 starts retail trading through Internet was quickly growing market. Now, It's different, MT5 can only live if MT4 die. And it's what will happen, either MT4 will die or Metaquotes will die. Very simple.

The key is absolutely not the final users, the key is the brokers. Metaquotes knows it very well, and that's why they absolutely don't care about what users like you can say. Think about it.


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Indy1000, 2018.05.01 10:59

That's interesting, but I think we're talking about which comes first, the chicken or the egg..?   ... if the broker thinks it's possible to make money with MT5, MT4 or both, this is the question..?     Their customers want a system that works, MT4 meets for the most part their needs.     If it wasn't commercial suicide for a broker to terminate a product customers demand, MT4 would have been fased out already.  Especially when you consider the alternative (MT5) regardless of how well it has been written, is immature, has performance deficiencies and is not friendly to use.    A broker provides a medium to access the market, therefore If the broker fails to meet the needs of their customers,  their future will obviously be limited.

A business model which ignores the customers will fail..

As it stands MT4 is usable and works quite well, I'm satisfied, it meets my needs.   We'll all be grateful for a better system, but If MQL want MT5 to succeed they need to step up, take responsibilities for the issues regardless of who's fault it is.   just my opinion..

I use MT4 and MT5, but let me know when MT5 issues have been resolved and I'm sure I'll push for developers to convert more of their indicators and EA's to MT5.  Until then MT4 rocks!!

Sorry, deleted by error.