How to record past market movements for specific timeframes?



I'm a bit of a rookie to forex trading, hoping someone could help me out a little. I want to record daily market movements for the past 5 years during a specific period of time, i.e. I want to see if EURUSD goes up or down during the 12pm-1pm period for every day. Even if I can just see the open price during 12pm and the closing price during 1pm is good enough. I've tried manually scrolling back on the chart and obviously it's tedious. Is there a faster way or an automated way to achieve this?

Here's how you can get all available from the broker (on MT4.)
Here's how you can get all available from the broker (on MT4.)
Sorry my bad. I meant timeframe as in just generally the time between 12pm-1pm, not the 1m, 5m, 15m timeframe. Rookie mistake.
Leaios just generally the time between 12pm-1pm
Leaios: Is there a faster way or an automated way to achieve this?
Only if you write (or have written,) some code to do it.