use of MathMean function


Hello all,

I need to calculate the average value of some values inside a vector. Let me explain better:

#1 CopyBuffer(funz_RSI,0,0,20,value_RSI)

With the above declaration I have the vector value_RSI composed of 20 values.

I want to calculate the average value with the first 10 value of value_RSI, and then the average value with the last 10 value of value_RSI

So I do:

#2 lastRSI_avg=MathMean(value_RSI,0,10);
#3 preRSI_avg=MathMean(value_RSI,11,20);

The problem is that it returns an error.

#4 lastRSI_avg=MathMean(value_RSI);
#5 preRSI_avg=MathMean(value_RSI);

Without any indication of parameters it works, but it does the average of all the values.

I found there is this definition:

but I've not understood how it works.

Could someone explain me how to do?


Documentation on MQL5: Standard Library / Mathematics / Statistics / Statistical Characteristics / MathMean
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Library / Mathematics / Statistics / Statistical Characteristics / MathMean
Standard Library / Mathematics / Statistics / Statistical Characteristics / MathMean - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5

Here is the apparent discrepancy between the help and the standard library.

MathMean (MQL5 help):

Calculates the mean (first moment) of array elements. Analog of themean()in R.

double  MathMean(
   const double&  array[],               // array with data
   const int      start=0,               // initial index 
   const int      count=WHOLE_ARRAY      // the number of elements




[in]  Array with data for calculation of the mean.


[in]  Initial index for calculation.


[in]  The number of elements for calculation.

Return Value

The mean of array elements. In case of error it returnsNaN(not a number).

But the standard library (\MQL5\include\Math\Stat\Math.mqh):

//| Computes the mean value of the values in array[]                 |
double MathMean(const double &array[])
   int size=ArraySize(array);
//--- check data range
      return(QNaN); // need at least 1 observation
//--- calculate mean
   double mean=0.0;
   for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
//--- return mean

As you can see in the standard library there are no parameters

   const int      start=0,               // initial index 
   const int      count=WHOLE_ARRAY      // the number of elements

Report on ServiceDesk.
Vladimir Karputov:
Report on ServiceDesk.


I have not understood how to solve my issue. Thanks

managertop40 :


I have not understood how to solve my issue. Thanks

I filed a report. We are waiting for a response from the Service Desk.

Ok, great!!

Thanks for your help!

P.S. : sorry, I've not caught that


Ok, report the issue!

But if I want to solve it, practically how can I do?

I tried something like this:

double aux[];
for(int i=15;i<20;i++)
      int h=i-15;
double median_vector=MathMedian(aux);

but it doesn't work! It makes crash MetaEditor. Why?

How could I solve?




Do you know when the ticket will be resolved ?

Thanks for the help,

Try to use "SimpleMa" instead.

#include <MovingAverages.mqh>


Siyan Saheem #: Try to use "SimpleMa" instead.
  1. Do you really expect that they are still waiting for a solution after five years?
  2. Or just write your own.
    Not tested, not compiled, just typed.
    template<typename T> T mean(const T& arr[], int iBeg=0, int length=14){
       return sum_array(arr, iBeg, iBeg+length) / length;
    template<typename T> T sum_array(const T& arr[], int iBeg, int iEnd){
       T sum=arr[iBeg]; while(++iBeg < iEnd) sum += arr[iBeg];  return sum;
    Not tested, not compiled, just typed.
William Roeder #:
  1. Do you really expect that they are still waiting for a solution after five years?
  2. Or just write your own.
    Not tested, not compiled, just typed. Not tested, not compiled, just typed.

For MathMean to work you need to include:

#include <Math\Stat\Math.mqh>