Trying to understand array use


Hello all,

I am attempting to use arrays to get data.

void TestReadCsvFile() 
// Arrays = OpenPrice,ClosePrice,PriceHigh,PriceLow,PriceHigh,TotalVolume
       //implicit conversion from 'string' to 'number'

I don't totally understanding how to deal with CSV files to exact information.  


Hello all,

I have been reading the MQL4 reference manual relating to array functions. I would like to know if I am on the right path or, am I totally mistaken. 

  void TestingArray()
int MyArrayValue = 12;      // initialize MyArrayValue to be 12
    TA = MyArrayValue;      // move MyArrayValue to TA
    TestArray[0]=TA;        // TestArray[0] value is now 12

// int TestArray[],TA;
// int OpenPrice[],OP; 
// int ClosePrice[],CP;
// int PriceHigh[],PH;
// int PriceLow[],PL;
// int TotalVolume[],TV;