Trading & Health


Hello guys,

this thread is dedicated to our wellbeing as traders

food, diet, health, exercise, stress, social life,..... etc

How are you doing?

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You can not trade for long time and stay healthy. The stress will get you sooner or later


trading is stressful, but there is time for everything.


i do 300 situps a day and im a vegetarian


just like other fields, you can never underestimate the importance of being healthy in trading. Successful traders are healthy. Good diet, exercise to clear up your head, regular medical check-ups, and 4 hours of quality sleep will do it. It has worked for me.


yes! right, health is wealth! trading is worthless if you die early



Health is our wealth. We should be healthy both physically and mentally in order to achieve something.

i do 300 situps a day and im a vegetarian

good day!

me too. sport is my passion to get balanced.

see you!

good day!

me too. sport is my passion to get balanced.

see you!

What kind of sports are you doing ?


Any sport will help to avoid being glued to the screen


i play badminton and lawn tennis. how about you?