Concentration is the main part of this business. - page 4


Concentration is good together with analazing and controling emotions

“Life's short spend most of it minding your business”

Don't know if I want to take concentration over my life, but follow the rule that everything should be within reasonable limit. Being mentally and physically in balance you will achieve better results in life-scale period rather if you will work with all your might during a short period.

That's all good and all, but you must realize that real life is far more different than what you read in quotes and smart books. Achieving this balance is truly for the strongest in body and mind.


Concentration could make this life more interesting and more planned.

It also main point that must be fulfilled in order to be success in forex trade.


Yes concentration is the main part of any business, but without determination, there will not be concentration. You cannot concentrate the whole of your time in a business you don,t derive pleasure in doing. determination, concentration, time manangement, money management, when to trade and how to trade are important weapons in a successful business. If as a trader you are confused in all of these, quite for a while and then be focused.


Education and attitude control is the main part of these business.


concentration and dedication are the most important things that are needed in trading forex.

Education and attitude control is the main part of these business.

What an interesting concept "attitude control"... And how do you do that?

We should develop a great concentration when we are trading, so we could see clearly, spot the opportunities in front of us and make good trades.
Concentration is definitely good, but most of the time I’m multitasking not doing only trading, so my concentration is split between several objects. It still works because my view memory is pretty developed and just with a quick eye on the chart I could see what changed and where is going :)
Concentration, knowledge, experience, discipline, adaptivity, they're all necessary to be successful as a trader.