Never be over- confident in Forex - page 4


Forex is a business that has a lot of risk, therefore if we want our account to minimize the risk of forex trading then we should be able to properly and comfortably. do not be too confident, because with too confident will make us more trading loss., therefore we need to learn and practice trading well


Being confidence in trading can boost your effort and helps you to stick to your trading plan but when a trader is overconfident it can lead to poor risk management and failure.


its always good to be balanced, have enough fear to avoid risky situations and be confident to grab an opportunity.


Confidence in trading can be great but too much confidence is also bad . Its all about finding a balance between lack of confidence and overconfidence.


one other thing thats a common mistake is gut feelings or intuitions, they might do you good once but get you introuble more than what you think

It is good to believe in yourself and your abilities, but if you become overconfident and start thinking that you know everything about the markets, this can lead to excessive trading and losing money.