Are there any investors here?


I recently started a thread called "Finding Investment Capital: Success or failure?" in which I outlined the difficultly I have had so far in seeking capital in respect of my trading system and after several views of that thread I have yet to receive a response. My assumption therefore is that many, if not all of us, are in the same boat; low capital but bright ideas. Perhaps then I am in the wrong place! If so, where else should I look?

When I first stated trading I thought I knew a lot about how markets worked and what the pitfalls were but I was in for a very nasty surprise to say the least. What I hadn't planned for was the rapid change in the dynamics of how markets operate and how they now seem bent on becoming fully automated.

Since loosing my shirt, I have taken a great deal of time to completely reevaluate what is required in order to profit from the market's paradigm shift and so I set about learning MQL in order to harness trading automation and move with the times. What I came up with is very effective and highly profitable strategy which I've encapsulated into a fully automated trading system yet, even though the figures are astonishing, I am unable to attract capital without giving away it's secrets. Whilst I understand such concerns I would also expect potential investors to understand my position so, how do I balance it so that there is an understanding between all parties?

If anyone reading this has had any success in finding capital for their trading system then please if you could take a moment to read this thread I'd appreciate your reply.


Hi Sadly,

If no one replied so I can reply sorry. But I am not sure that my reply will help you.

My assumption therefore is that many, if not all of us, are in the same boat

yes, exactly.

I am unable to attract capital without giving away it's secrets

Yes. Because investors want to take ALL from you, not just making agreement concerning some particular percentages ... 20 or 35% of the profit, written agreement - NOT. They want ALL and NOW, and they want to spend as less money for that as they can.

It is my personal experience in this forex market (I am having huge experience with it because I am receiving all proposals from whole the forum members as the copy to moderator of TSD).

any success in finding capital for their trading system

I think - it is very very few. And in most of the cases - people used their own capital for startup the business. After that - it was as "the filtration" up to 90% of them because of false business continuation.

In such a thin investors' market with no regulation at all - investors and the developers do not feel as comfortable to be in.

In this situation - it may be most good decision to find the friends, group of people who are supporting you, and start the own business for your own money. But as I said - concerning my opinion - about 90% of those 'starters' - faled because of wrong business continuation model created.

By the way - no one created feasibility study, you know but for any investor - sometimes does not matter - HYIP or forex development because investing in forex development is high risk anyway.

We are having few examples when the developers did something great for few years, failed to find investors and decided to post everything for free to the public (Goldwarrior EA, Digital Filters software with spectral analyzer and more and more and more).

programmers are not collaborating with the forward testers, idea creating people are fully forgotten, authorship is taken away from the original programmers just for salary monthly receiving, those kind of business (forex development) is not accepted by the government for possible receiving some protection to be included onto some modern programs etc ... and more.

We are mostly alone here on this market.

Why? We are not united ... we are for the long time on the market but we still do not understand:

-who is paying the money


- why

because most of the investors are not part of us anyway, and we as the developers - we can not make any proposal to be agreed with each other sorry.

Sorry for my opinion.


Hi newdigital,

Your opinion is very welcome and much appreciated, thank you. In fact, if it wasn't for Forex-TSD and similar Metatrader forums then I doubt whether I'd have taken the plunge into MQL in the first place so thank you again