Wave theory with a cup of coffee - page 4


Umm. one of the interesting subjects the wave theory.. good thread but there is not much markings on your charts . In my case when i have no tea or coffee i started marking charts lol..

here are the some e.g from a short journal i did at forex-tsd



i like to trade them on 15 min time frame


Hi Guyver

yes there is not much marking, and there is a reason.

although I analyse the market by Dow or Elliott theory, and I'm doing this for about three years, I found it misleading to trade just based on our counting.

because we all know that Elliott theory is only an effort to formulate the wave patterns in the market.

So I decided to find a pattern within wave formations which is more probable to happen and formidable.

that's why I name this thread wave theory with a cup of coffee, to emphasise on the joyfulness and simplicity of this trading method.


Actually I have to admit that it is too late now and I suppose to be in bed. Actually I was making a blog for my photography website, actually I found it much better than writing in a facebook. Whenever I finish it I will ask you to visit it. I am putting some nice pictures. Well actually I am not a professional photographer. It's just a hobby but sometimes I think we have to take them serious. Actually pictures and especially pictures about nature, like landscape or flowers give me such a calmness that sometimes I completely forgot everything and just like gazing into them.

I'll definitely tell you the address of my photo website, although I have to just put my own shots. And I am not sure whether you like them or not.

Anyway until that time I think its better to introduce one of the photo albums that I always enjoy watching them.this website is belong to Stefan Fisher.

::: SF-PHOTO | Landscape & Photoart | Stefan Fischer :::


anyway, apparently both situation which I mentioned yesterday, has been triggered, although I made a mistake and for gold position I set the price on the "Bid price" which was wrong because it was a buy position and for buy position we have to put the "Ask price" instead of the price which is on the chart. That was why despite of getting the Gold market to the levels that I mentioned yesterday , my order hasn't been activated. Anyway Gold is now like this chart, and I think it is going toward our target.

gold2.gif  23 kb
gbp2.gif  19 kb
oil1_1.gif  12 kb
nzd1.gif  15 kb
gold3.gif  20 kb
gbp3.gif  28 kb
eurgbp1.gif  13 kb