One trade a day - page 2


only winners

"Have 90% winning trades; losing trades are bigger, but this is part of the system."

A nice run of only winners !!! The test will come when you get (inevitably sooner or later) the loser(s) . Like you say they will be bigger than the winners, so how many trades will they set you back? We will see ...

Following with interest.


The DD will be probably 40...90 Pips, depends of the last days trading volume. You have seen the backtest?

But "thank you for the flowers".


by the way... another winning day


Looks that we will have today our first "losing day". I limited the S/L from the automatic generated value to the last days high. If it goes down again a bit (we had a sawtooth ranging pattern the last days) , it may be probably even a winning trade. But remember, I told you: I did not promise 100% per month, but 10%

So a $1000 DD will even left over a $620 Profit in my setting, what is actually (at $3000 starting equity) a ca. 20% profit, or ca. 7% at a $10.000 equity account.

We will have a look at it in the afternoon. Now I have to work a bit.

p.S. the todays targets depends on the high range of yesterday...




1 loser wipes out 3 weeks of trading ...

I did some experiments of my own some years ago:

You can see it here

You have 162 pips in 14 trading days that is 12 pips / trade and a loser of 94 pips. Roughly 10 to 100. I had fixed winners of 50 pips and a loser of 500. That's in the same ratio.


At first: it wiped out 8 trading days. 8x12 is 96...

And as you seen in backtest, it wiped out even a full month of trading, if you let it run automatic. I looked today morning in to the EA and found out, that he used the wrong direction. If it was real money, I stopped the trade in this moment (cause the trend was in the other direction) and lost actually 400$... I had no problem to do so, cause you should not fear to realize losses, especially if they are with that high possibility.

But as long it is still demo, I only modified the SL and watched, what happened.


Finally we have a 4 weeks result: +24.1% at a 3000$ deposit account.

We will see what will bring the next month.

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