Sfx - page 4


Time Line

Last week review:

Based on inputs one of my user.

No need to participate in Asian market session. Unless real energy is seen.

Fundamentals gives us overall trend. Technical gives us entry point.

Reversal can be taken as moving 50-200 against trend that's how big institutes do create panic and artificial chaos in market therefore retail traders prematurely closed trade or gets margin call.

Keep in mind we always have systematic rhythm in any underline chaos i.e. random movement. Therefore market movement is not random...either it is part of smaller system or bigger system. If any given movement is part of bigger system our lot size and risk/stop should adjust, however, keep in human psychology in mind it should be withing reasonable limit.

Last week review:

Based on inputs one of my user.

No need to participate in Asian market session. Unless real energy is seen.

Fundamentals gives us overall trend. Technical gives us entry point.

Reversal can be taken as moving 50-200 against trend that's how big institutes do create panic and artificial chaos in market therefore retail traders prematurely closed trade or gets margin call.

Keep in mind we always have systematic rhythm in any underline chaos i.e. random movement. Therefore market movement is not random...either it is part of smaller system or bigger system. If any given movement is part of bigger system our lot size and risk/stop should adjust, however, keep in human psychology in mind it should be withing reasonable limit.

My mti a/c info.

MT Intelligence - No reports published by shahzadfx yet

One of member suggest me to put mt4 statement to this website.

MT Intelligence - Home page

To be more transparent and just.

My broker is FXDD right now.

My system is two fold. One analyze the over all trend or reversal probability and my entry is based on momentum. Third ingredient is to put risk size. As account grows it will grow too. So best thing is I will keep it low to .5 % to 2%. Once I say momentum it is not a breakout nor moving average cross. My human intervention is on programmatic level which required input every week or some time every session based on how market is behaving.

You guys have to take care of you lot size and risk...

Or I won't care about the money value of my trade just concentrate on pip counts. Required your input.

I try to keep it more clear and easy to use service.

Lets help each other to make this journey easy and enjoyable.

Just like good weeks bad weeks are part of trading. The only thing I need from you guys to take care risk...if you take care risk I am sure reward will come with great bounty.

You are like a family so feel free to tell me any suggestions or criticism. As sfx is adoptive system. It will adopt based on your inputs too. Market is collection of human emotions. My system does take care about this too.

About close order with no close price. Sometime RAS push my close price to profit and loss column and my pips to commission column. I m trying to figure that out. No healthy solution form RAS customer service till now.

I am trying to tweak few things too to fix it. But once sfx trade is closed does it close yours too?

SFX is very mature system it survived last few years will survive many more to come.

The only concern I have and I will keep repeating is to take care of your risk and run signals with minimum lot size.

Let me know I answered your question properly.

Thanks for the answer.

Your statement will help me to figure out if I'm following your signal correctly. It seems that RAS web logs have serious issues, even balance graph is wrong.

I would prefer if you continue to take care of risk.


Any comments on how this system has been?

Thanks for the answer.

Your statement will help me to figure out if I'm following your signal correctly. It seems that RAS web logs have serious issues, even balance graph is wrong.

I would prefer if you continue to take care of risk.

Unfortunately, now I can confirm that RAS is not following orders correctly. Each order is partially closed after a few seconds and remaining amount stays open forever. Does anyone else have this problem or it works as expected? Still no answer from RAS support

Regarding missing values, RAS support blames you:

"Orders without closed price are almost always happening when signal provider disconnects (closes) his metatrader or he changes his accounts. This provider has been warned not to do so (since those orders can cause loses on buyer side) But that is all we can do : warn him. It is on his best interest to avoid the things stated (and in the best interest of signal buyers, of course)"



Could please comment the latest 60% DD? Is this normal for SFX (does it happen often)?



I would like to express my disappointment .

Your signal description is very different from the real situation. Although you said to keep the drawdown to the minimum, your chart looked like a roller coaster. I agree that each buyer should accept all the risks involved, but let's be honest so we know what we are accepting.

I've used the word "looked" because now your chart looks very nice (MT Intelligence - Statement for shahzadfx). And this is what actually triggered this post. You are starting from 5000 again. What are you trying to hide? That you went from 5k to 1k several times in a month period?

Your subscribers are still down, and some cannot start from beginning again. Some are following you with same trade amounts and with this we are now taking 250% more risks. If I did not notice it myself, I would probably have a margin call in few days.

Even if there is a good explanation for this, you should have announced it here. But it seems to me that you don't care about your subscribers that much. No reply to this thread for more than a week now.

Please learn from this post that communication with subscribers is maybe even more important than performance. I'm still following, hope you can improve.


No trades, no info from the seller...

Anyone has idea what's going on with SFX?


For other followers,

(I'm not sure why nobody else replies here but sends a private messages instead ).

Anyway, for those that want to adjust trading amounts, it seems that setting EA multiplier to 1.00, and WEB multiplier to desired amount works fine.

(I had problems when using EA multiplier with any amount 1.00, see previous posts. Shame to RAS support, ignoring related high priority ticket opened more than 10 days ago )


My subscription is over now. Here is the summary:

1 week of trading with more than 60% account lost

3 weeks signal was dead

Thanks Shahzadfx for trashing my account and taking subscription money for nothing!

Good thing is that nobody else bought your lies.

"Not more then 10% of a/c is at risk at a time if more then one positions are open...My primary objective is to protect the equity and still make reasonable profit...I hate drawdown. We are human so we need minimum drawdown. I will take care of it to bearly minimum..."

What a b...s...!

I should also note that RAS support wasn't any better than this thief. They did not bother to look at any high priority ticket related to problems with this signal.