Engineers Please advise


I have three sinewaves, of different periods and swings.

Hows does one synthesis these sinewaves.

Synthesis defintion : the combining of the constituent elements of separate material or abstract entities into a single or unified entity

A simple average of the three or something else??


iam an electrical engineer but infact doesn.t understand what u want

i know u have 3 sin wave with different periods

what u want to make with them

the average of the sine wave equals zero

or u want the rms value (the route mean square)


Sounds like you want to make a composite sine wave from the 3 seperate ones, correct?


You can just add the values at each instant together. Where three nodes match up the sum will be zero, when three anti-nodes coincide then the value will max out at +/- 3

If anyone has a mt4 indicator than can display a simple sine-wave with period p and a start date shift then I would be really grateful if you would share.

Happy waves
