What''s your Day job - page 4


Trade full time...


my job

I run p*rn Websites. yield around $1500month, in the summer it doubles or even triples.

wen i knew about forex i thought why not leverage!


I'm an IT Consultant,

I would like to trade in the work time, but I can't because the office is an open space, so anybody can see my monitor.

And it's worse than it sounds because my boss is right behind me

So my trading decisions are based on the daily charts.

I'm an IT Consultant,

I would like to trade in the work time, but I can't because the office is an open space, so anybody can see my monitor.

And it's worse than it sounds because my boss is right behind me

So my trading decisions are based on the daily charts.

You can tell your boss about Forex and you will trade together!


It's trading, trading and lots of trading with my favorite broker.


Financial accountant. I am trading part-time at the moment.

I run p*rn Websites. yield around $1500month, in the summer it doubles or even triples. wen i knew about forex i thought why not leverage!

That is the most original leverage I have found so far when forex is concerned :):)


I'm an IT professional and I do have a set time for trading after/before work. Forex trading has actually given me extra income and has helped pay the bills. But I'm still quite nervous with the thought of trading full-time.

I'm an IT professional and I do have a set time for trading after/before work. Forex trading has actually given me extra income and has helped pay the bills. But I'm still quite nervous with the thought of trading full-time.

full time trader.


Apart from trading-related activities, I also do literature work.