Trade with me - page 2


Waiting for full break or maybe an exit but there is no signal of divergence.

Ready to sell below 1.3400

Ready to sell on TLB



Beautiful and pro comments SIMBA.

Thatnks for data about Spain. I knew about Bank system but the rest of data is juicy and let me add a couple of things to you already written truth.

We follow the news as we follow the price. We're always on step back unless some job on NSA or MI6.

Reporters are paid to say some news and to shut up about others.

Everybody plays money games.

Problem for Euro is not Economics it's Politics. The conception of EU fall into troubles if some sons does not do the homework. By status deficit should be lower as 3% GDP (Correct me Simba) for being member of EU.

Of course the punished on the news are only two countries. However, France is on a complicated situation (even Germany, Italy is worst) and nobody says nothing.

I said the problem is Politic because you can't put a gun into Greek's government to cut down expenses (or any other country).

What can generate doubt into markets is the lack of some mechanism to proceed on exceptional cases as these countries are suffering.

Also, EU had a better performance on inflation than US on last year. Inflation under control = no chance to rate hikes

This prevents traders and banks that meantime crisis is lowering on US a possible rate hike is coming and "we need to go there first". So, we close euro trades and position on greenback before everybody.

Meanwhile, ECB is under pressure to keep rates lower because recover is behind the values of US economy.


1-So,basically we agree that Fed may start hiking matter what Bernanke said,they did increase repo rate last week,so what they did is what matters,while ECB can not,since that would imply putting a tough burden on the economy,an increase in debt service costs,and a further depreciation of housing prospects to recover.

2-Political:Frankly,I think the problem is deeper and simpler...One: there has been a veiled interest against the Euro,since its inception,obviously when you have been the reserve currency of the world in exclusive(USD) you don`t like a competitor...second,curiously today Moodys and S&P announced ,simultaneously,they were going to devaluate Greece ratings to junk debt,this was obviously a calculated attack against the EEC and against the Euro...Third:A depreciation of the Euro will allow for a faster recovery in Europe,via an increase in relative competitiveness of goods and services in the international markets,so,the powers that be for different causes ...All are interested in a weaker Euro against the USD....and this is what is going to happen...

3-End result:Politicians will do anything to get reelected,so,same as the USA in the past year or 2 have been rescuing everybody too big to fail,in the CEE the politicians will change the laws-to allow for temporary exceptional rules,etc-and IMO they will not let Greece fall down,even if it is a small country,it is still far bigger than any of the so called giants rescued by the USA(or UK,or that of a few european countries) administration,but,anyway,the "panic button" will be played in order to force a faster devaluation of the EUR.

I believe,for the abovementioned reasons, that in March we are going to see a fast and sudden depreciation of the EUR(and probably of the GBP,for different reasons) against the USD...Interestingly,today,the GBP was shorted across the board,but the financial comments were focused on the EUR ...EURGBP went up today,so,it looks to me that the GBP is as even weaker than the EUR.

So,as you rightly pointed out,once the trendlines and SR are broken,the damage will begin.

PS:sorry for intruding in your thread,I will let you continue your good work without further interruptions.



Waiting for full break or maybe an exit but there is no signal of divergence.

Doing well. We had touch 500 pips barrier today. H4 on divergence. Wait for rebound on hourlies.

Safe step 1.5560/70


1-So,basically we agree that Fed may start hiking matter what Bernanke said,they did increase repo rate last week,so what they did is what matters,while ECB can not,since that would imply putting a tough burden on the economy,an increase in debt service costs,and a further depreciation of housing prospects to recover.

2-Political:Frankly,I think the problem is deeper and simpler...One: there has been a veiled interest against the Euro,since its inception,obviously when you have been the reserve currency of the world in exclusive(USD) you don`t like a competitor...second,curiously today Moodys and S&P announced ,simultaneously,they were going to devaluate Greece ratings to junk debt,this was obviously a calculated attack against the EEC and against the Euro...Third:A depreciation of the Euro will allow for a faster recovery in Europe,via an increase in relative competitiveness of goods and services in the international markets,so,the powers that be for different causes ...All are interested in a weaker Euro against the USD....and this is what is going to happen...

3-End result:Politicians will do anything to get reelected,so,same as the USA in the past year or 2 have been rescuing everybody too big to fail,in the CEE the politicians will change the laws-to allow for temporary exceptional rules,etc-and IMO they will not let Greece fall down,even if it is a small country,it is still far bigger than any of the so called giants rescued by the USA(or UK,or that of a few european countries) administration,but,anyway,the "panic button" will be played in order to force a faster devaluation of the EUR.

I believe,for the abovementioned reasons, that in March we are going to see a fast and sudden depreciation of the EUR(and probably of the GBP,for different reasons) against the USD...Interestingly,today,the GBP was shorted across the board,but the financial comments were focused on the EUR ...EURGBP went up today,so,it looks to me that the GBP is as even weaker than the EUR.

So,as you rightly pointed out,once the trendlines and SR are broken,the damage will begin.

PS:sorry for intruding in your thread,I will let you continue your good work without further interruptions.



Naked analysis Simba. The awful truth? yes.

The only thing I don't understand is how the US thinks to lower trade deficit with dollar appreciation and what is hidden move.

1.Maybe Bernake thinks is better to keep WS busy with incoming capital than than real production

2.Maybe Bernake thinks the only way to keep financing the government/deficits is by increasing rates.


Welcome to march!!!

Almost 900 Pips for our Cable Trade counting end point move. But we're on 750 by now.

Anyway, trade is on it's fourth week. With an average 200 pips/week.

How much do you need to trade on small time frames to reach this amount?

We missed main target by just 100/50 pips. Not bad. Maybe we can hit the goal during this week.

There is no such as exact thing on trading. As you can see on the picture, target line and original exit was close. But exactitude is more or less good enough.

Anyway. This trade proof the good enough exactitude or DM projections.


There are strange keys in life...

One day you wake up and sees something different. It has been there always or for long time. However, you didn't see it. Why?

This keys shakes your brain a bit or better, a lot. Several questions, several answers. All by yourself. I was wrong? maybe.

Why, from all answers I was looking for, the ones coming from myself I consider better? I feel secured with my own answers, better than with other peoples answer.

Okay, I see. So, this was all trading about. Maybe a bit Cartesian yes.

Are you still looking for a better indicator? why?

Are you still looking for another expert advisors that makes better trading? yes? why?. If so, Why did you picked last one?


Why not to pick the best on the begin?

Because is test and error *******.

Yes? Is that the reason?

Why you don't go over the street when cars are coming just to test and error if can hurt you if hits?

Why just don't take a shoot over you head just to test is bullet can blow up your brain. Because is test and error anyway.

Maybe the answer is because such things are already proof and you like to trust on that.

So, Why you still looking on wrong places and doing the wrong questions, placing the wrong indicators or expert advisors if failed was proof?

There is no sense on that. Right?


It looks weird...

rotated1.gif  51 kb

Even with line looks weird.

rotated2.gif  52 kb

Maybe this help by comparison


Well, meanwhile inserted on my thoughts seems is time to short Euro. See levels on Picture.

MACD looks good.

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