Position size and something more...


Hello everybody.

I'm experiencing little difficulties about all the math beyond the "money management".

I need your help to do the right calculation about position size and other values...

Your help will be really appreciated!

So we start...

I've available the following data (account with standard lot or 100000 units):

a) account balance

b) leverage

c) risk %

d) pip value

e) stop loss in pips

f) spread

with this numbers I would like to get the following answer:

A) position size (considering possible to open microlots or 0,01 standard lot)

B) margin (the amount the broker require to keep the position open)

C) position real value (amount of the position in $)

D) loss in $ if stop hit

My math is:

A) = (a*c)/((e+f)*d)

B) = 100000*A/b

C) = 100000*A

D) = e*d*A

Please review my calculation ad correct me!!!!

Thanks to everyone that will be so kind to answer!




I have attached an EA which can help you with the MM - it's quite elaborate in the various parameters. Hope this helps.

Happy trading,

