Question for Experienced traders....


Bank of Israel decided to stop buying $100 millions USD daily...I mean they decided to stop buying USD period...finita la comedia...

What does it mean?

1. USD goes down big time.

2. Israel has disagreement with USA

3. We are all screwd.

4. All of the above...

???Any takers???


Hmm Pava,

Why ask such a silly question, shouldn't your magik number give you an answer?

Sorry, I'd answer this question, but I consider you too much of a genius. There's sarcasm in that statement, ask your magik number what part is sarcasm, and maybe you'll smarten up.



Hmm Pava,

Why ask such a silly question, shouldn't your magik number give you an answer?

Sorry, I'd answer this question, but I consider you too much of a genius. There's sarcasm in that statement, ask your magik number what part is sarcasm, and maybe you'll smarten up.

Walander...first of...why are you following me? magik number works just fine...thank you...third...I hope you disposed that toothbrush...:)..

fourth...I bet by november USD is in the crapper...go short...


Bet is a good word.

Too bad you're not smart enough to place a trade.




Bet is a good word.

Too bad you're not smart enough to place a trade.


and you know that how?...(are you loosing THAT MUCH?)(...cut your losses short...and find another occupation...from the bottom of my...say...heart)....


Pava, I got to go with Walander on this. Your asking a serious question after claiming a magic number is how you made so much money. Pava, do you even know what a magic number is? Don't ask for serious advice after making ridiculous claims.


Israel is the top recipient of US foreign aid, getting billions of dollars per year from the US. Besides, the Fed prints money out of thin air, what's another 100 million dollars, that's chump change for the Fed.

In the forex market, no one will even notice 100 million dollars USD is not being bought...especially by the Israelies. LOL.


Oh Kenny,

You're too nice. Why not add gas to the flame brigade?

I guess its not nice to pick on handicapped kids.

Kenny Rogers:

Israel is the top recipient of US foreign aid, getting billions of dollars per year from the US. Besides, the Fed prints money out of thin air, what's another 100 million dollars, that's chump change for the Fed.

In the forex market, no one will even notice 100 million dollars USD is not being bought...especially by the Israelies. LOL.
Kenny Rogers:
In the forex market, no one will even notice 100 million dollars USD is not being bought...especially by the Israelies. LOL.

Forex trading worldwide is worth $3 Trillion daily.


Some problem with my internet connection so my same post is appearing 3 times. How to delete duplicate posts?.



Comes to 2.5 billion per month...not're right...but Kenny...(I wasn't cleaning my teeth with that toothbrush) might not know what i am talking about...and talking about disabilities...come on....under new throw mama from the train health reform those people are going to become useless and expendable....