Eurusd/gbpusd - page 429

i know traders , frendes trading 1-2 yard amonth loking for a good system. trading with u.b.s, dutche bank

why would they be looking for a system if they're already trading at UBS?

why would they be looking for a system if they're already trading at UBS?

A good question.

A good question.

.!! im back , my frendes are trading about 20-30- years( i do it 30 years).guys like them trade with the platforma of ubs , but with there system, eu they pay 1.75p.and you can belive me that after so many years i build a cople of systems.expiryeness=money.if i find that your model is nice abouit 50-60% i will show them and cntact you.but i have first to test them my self (i dont care how you it)to see the results. after so long expiyeness i now whats good- i my self beliveinyour way , and that the reason i dont like to fight-fid a sulution for 50-60% of the trades. each trade is about 5-10gu!!!!!!!!!!!

.!! im back , my frendes are trading about 20-30- years( i do it 30 years).guys like them trade with the platforma of ubs , but with there system, eu they pay 1.75p.and you can belive me that after so many years i build a cople of systems.expiryeness=money.if i find that your model is nice abouit 50-60% i will show them and cntact you.but i have first to test them my self (i dont care how you it)to see the results. after so long expiyeness i now whats good- i my self beliveinyour way , and that the reason i dont like to fight-fid a sulution for 50-60% of the trades. each trade is about 5-10gu!!!!!!!!!!!

Which FX do you & they trade? Only GU &EU?

Avi, I wasn't fighting I was merely showing why many people have difficulty following your levels.

.!! im back , my frendes are trading about 20-30- years( i do it 30 years).guys like them trade with the platforma of ubs , but with there system, eu they pay 1.75p.and you can belive me that after so many years i build a cople of systems.expiryeness=money.if i find that your model is nice abouit 50-60% i will show them and cntact you.but i have first to test them my self (i dont care how you it)to see the results. after so long expiyeness i now whats good- i my self beliveinyour way , and that the reason i dont like to fight-fid a sulution for 50-60% of the trades. each trade is about 5-10gu!!!!!!!!!!!

we have here a company trading avetrage by a robot basid on alogaritmim chanchig almost evry 1-2 day(10-15 people)i think the do it with matlab,forecast futures evry mily seconds -mad about 100m $ a year

we have here a company trading avetrage by a robot basid on alogaritmim chanchig almost evry 1-2 day(10-15 people)i think the do it with matlab,forecast futures evry mily seconds -mad about 100m $ a year

Which FX do you & they trade? Only GU &EU?

I'm not even following my levels at the moment although I will still post them. I'm just interested in stop-loss modelling for now.

Which FX do you & they trade? Only GU &EU? Avi, I wasn't fighting I was merely showing why many people have difficulty following your levels.

trading jpy/usd of them trade my old system (remember) interday no. wich returun few times aday(alot better than gator). they are loking know for pl, ph , and midlle level -around 70-80 % daily -weekly and that the reson i see you have potioncial to reach it

Which FX do you & they trade? Only GU &EU?

they trade all company is-' finall'

trading jpy/usd of them trade my old system (remember) interday no. wich returun few times aday(alot better than gator). they are loking know for pl, ph , and midlle level -around 70-80 % daily -weekly and that the reson i see you have potioncial to reach it

So....what's in it for me?

they trade all company is-' finall'

I don't undertstand. Repeat please.