Eurusd/gbpusd - page 415

I've hurt your ego. I'm sorry. I expect that if I posted only my winning trades while excluding my losers then the number of views will go up very quickly.

i will gorget the few last posts, and wish you a lot of geen pips, from all my heart !!

i will gorget the few last posts, and wish you a lot of geen pips, from all my heart !!

im waitting for a strong move

i will gorget the few last posts, and wish you a lot of geen pips, from all my heart !!

There is nothing to forget. I honestly like your numbers. I think they're great but I'm an experienced trader so I can use them as an indicator.

I'm just demonstrating why it is difficult for some traders to follow. Since you first introduced your numbers last year most people have a hard time following them.

I'm just demonstrating why that is the case and why posting only winning trades after the price has moved is dangerous for less experienced traders. There is nothing to forgive or forget about.


I will show you why it is difficult for some traders to follow your numbers.

I will produce 3 levels for today (I could do this for the week or month and the same principle would apply). I will take the current price of

5860 and then add 50 & 100 pips to it.

My levels are:




Now I will post trades based on these numbers. This is an experiment just to show you why posting trades or selective trades is dangerous and misleading.

This is not an attack on your numbers which I think are worth while but it will hopefully demonstrate what I have tried to convey to you in the past.

no 5910 from 5910 - 5895 tp 15p

Don't trade my numbers. It is just a demonstration.

no 5910 from 5910 - 5895 tp 15p Don't trade my numbers. It is just a demonstration.

5910 up 5895 ?

5910 up 5895 ?

Yes. It went up. I moved stop to BE and then went short for 15 pips and then went long again. And still long.

Confusing isn't it?

Don't trade my numbers. It is just a demonstration.


By the way any readers. If you had joined my forum below then you would have known that the weekly GU low is at 5855. You would have also received an alert.

Yes. It went up. I moved stop to BE and then went short for 15 pips and then went long again. And still long.

Confusing isn't it?

Don't trade my numbers. It is just a demonstration.

nice move!


I will show you why it is difficult for some traders to follow your numbers.

I will produce 3 levels for today (I could do this for the week or month and the same principle would apply). I will take the current price of

5860 and then add 50 & 100 pips to it.

My levels are:




Now I will post trades based on these numbers. This is an experiment just to show you why posting trades or selective trades is dangerous and misleading.

This is not an attack on your numbers which I think are worth while but it will hopefully demonstrate what I have tried to convey to you in the past.

no 5910 from 5910 - 5931 tp 21p

Don't trade my numbers. It is just a demonstration.

By the way any readers. If you had joined my forum below then you would have known that the weekly GU low is at 5855. You would have also received an alert.

il look at my mail thx